500 Follower Q&A

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1. What is your motivation to make these book[s]?

I'd say my main motivation lies in three things. The first one is just my overall love of writing; fiction is a great creative outlet! The second thing is reading books and fanfiction because I love looking at other people's writing styles and seeing how I can improve. I say this a ton, but the last thing that gives me motivation is you guys! I absolutely adore seeing so many people enjoying what I wrote, and reading your funny and sweet comments always push me to create my best work.

2. How often do you write?

I try to write as often as I can because I enjoy it so much. I actually get antsy when I haven't written anything new for a few days XD. Once I start writing a new book on Wattpad, I usually spend about and hour and a half to two hours every day writing a single chapter of around 1,250 words.

3. Why did you pick forget-me-not's for the title flower? (VarianxReader)

I struggled a lot with coming up with a title for my VarianxReader fanfic (Here's some fun trivia: two of original name ideas I had were "Through It All" and "The Alchemist's Girl"). I couldn't think of a name that stuck, so I eventually decided to pick a reoccurring symbol that appeared in the story a lot. I made forget-me-nots (Yn) and Varian's thing because it's a flower that symbolizes true love and remembrance. They represent holding someone close to one's thoughts, which is a constant theme in (Yn) and Varian's relationship because they are often far apart. For that reason I thought that "Forget-Me-Not" would be a good title for the story :)

4. Favorite Fandom?

If you've read my bio, you know that I'm in a TON of fandoms, so this is super hard to answer. Each fandom I'm in has its pros and cons, whether it involves the fans themselves, the studio, or the show/movie the fandom surrounds. Even though I've definitely began to drift away from it, the Miraculous Ladybug fandom will always hold a special place in my heart because it's the root of this account and my fanfiction writing career (That's why my PFP is still Chat Noir lol). I can't just pick one, but currently my favorite fandoms are: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ducktales, Amphibia, Tangled the Series, and Encanto.

5. Favorite books?

My two favorite books that I've read are Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys, and Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. Both are extremely well written, so I highly suggest checking them out!

6. What music do you listen to?

Taylor Swift. I'm dead-serious when I say that 90% of the music I listen to is Taylor Swift (My fav album is Evermore if you were curious). Call me basic, but I have no regrets whatsoever. I'll die as a Swiftie on a hill of Taylor Swift merch and you can't stop me. I think the other 8ish percent musicals and that last 2 percent is just random stuff.

7. Which of the Santa Clause movies are your favorite?

I really enjoy the second movie because Bernard gets a lot more screen time than he did in the first film, but my favorite has definitely got to be the first one. It's a classic and I love it a ton. It was also a favorite of my grandmother who passed away before I was born, so it always makes me feel close to her when I watch it.

8. What are your thoughts on the Santa Claus series on Disney+?

My family and I watched it every Wednesday when a new episode came out, and we really liked it! There were some intense cliffhangers in-between episodes that had us on the edge of our seats, and I think the comedy was pretty good. Overall I think it managed to keep a lot of the charm that the original trilogy had, so I enjoyed it! Also, I absolutely adored Betty and Noel throughout the series; I seriously love them so so much. It was also great to see a David Krumholtz return to play Bernard! (I did feel slightly betrayed that he got married tho T-T...Like how did I lose to an old woman!?)

9. Will you make another Camilo x Female Reader story? I really loved your first one, it could be a sequel to that one, or just a completely different Camilo and Reader story!

First, thank you so much! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it! Second, I actually have a book of oneshots revolving around CamiloxReader senarios if you'd like to check those out :)

10. What do you like to do outside of writing?

I like to watch cartoons, read books, do stuff outside, spend time with my family and cats, and do theater!

11. Do you have any pets?

I know that this probably sounds like a huge lie, but I am being 100% honest when I say that I have seven cats. My family is obsessed with cats, so we typically adopt rescues and shelter cats who need loving homes. We love them all dearly and they mean the world to us!

12. What are some of your hopes/goals for the future?

In an ideal world, I would absolutely love write this for the rest of my life. If I could write stories that could transport people to other worlds and provoke emotions and thinking within them, that would make my life worth it. If life has taught me anything, it's that one of the strongest tools in this word our our words. Our words our powerful, and I want to use that power to inspire people.


Thank you so much to everyone who submitted question and read this! I had so much fun answering these questions and I hope you all feel content with the answers I've given you.

Thanks again for (almost) 500 followers, and thank you to each and every one of you for your unconditional support over these past couple years! You are all so amazing, and you guys mean the world to me!

With Love,


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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