Chapter 5: My...cousin!?!

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When they arrived at Drew's house they got out of the car. Drew saw two cars in the drive way and was suprised since there is normally only one. Then Drew realized that his cousin had a car just like that one. "Oh no...." Drew whispered.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked, looking in Drew's face making everything bad go to everything good. Drew sighed. "Nothing...let's get inside and make some snacks to eat!" Drew said, keeping his mind off of what he thought would be inside.

When they got inside no one was in there, no cousin, no parents either. Drew was glad about having no one in the house except Jake ofcourse.

"You wanna play on the gacha switch?" Drew asked when they got in his room. Oh,um, sure!" Jake said, sitting down on one of the couches Drew has in his room.

Drew won the game again. "You are not ok today Jake, you haven't won once!" Drew chuckled. "Yea.." Jake said.

Drew and Jake started the game again when Drew realized that Jake wasn't even looking at the screen. Jake was wondering off in space. Drew turned the game off and turned his head to Jake. "You ok?" Drew asked. "What-uh-yea...yea I'm fine." Jake said, not looking at Drew.

Drew sighed. " can tell me what wrong..." Drew said. There was silence for a moment until Jake spoke up. "I just...I don't want to go back to school now knowing that everybody is out to get me..."

Drew put his hand on Jake's knee and blushed. Jake looked up all innocently and they just looked into eachothers eyes that seemed like forever.

Out of nowhere Jake felt someone's lips on his. It was Drew.
Jake didn't know why it felt like this. He didn't know why it felt warm and happy and suprising all at once. But he enjoyed it, so he kept still, letting Drew do what he had to. They were kissing.

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