Chapter 3: Why are you so cute?

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Drew went into the restroom and saw Jake's feet in one of the stalls. "Jake....please come out of the stall and talk to me..." There was silence.

" sorry about what Zoey did...that was very wrong of her.."
Jake sat in the bathroom stall listening to Drew's low voice trying to sound calming. Jake thought that if he got out Drew was gonna video tape him and laugh and make fun of him. "Go away..." Jake said, sniffling.

Drew felt bad for Jake. He remembered how back in middle school Jake used to have no friends whatsoever and it broke his heart.

Drew opened and closed the door, still standing there. Jake came out of the bathroom stall and just stood there, very sad he hadn't seen the trick coming.

"Hi there!" Drew said, smiling. Jake smiled a little when he saw Drew smile because Drew never smiles. Drew went over and sighed, blushing a little. "I'm sure no one payed attention to anything that Zoey said about you." Drew said. "Maybe your right but I doubt it because Zoey is the worst and everybody was whispering about me.." Jake said.

They both stood there in silence for a few moments. Jake felt someone's arms that were very warm go around him. Drew was actually hugging Jake! Jake couldn't believe it and just hugged him back. Drew stopped hugging Jake and blushed. "We will never speak of this again." He said. Jake just laughed which made Drew blush like a tomato.

"Why are you so cute?" Drew said outload without realizing it. "W-what?" Jake asked. "Oh-shit-um-nothing, I was talking to myself." Drew said. Jake just laughed again, blushing also.

"Cmon Jake, let's get to our class before we're late" Drew said. "Were already like 20 minutes late" Jake said. Drew went over and pushed Jake to the wall. They both blushed.

"Then looks like we're gonna skip our first class and spend more time together in the bathroom~" Drew said, blushing. Jake was the one who was flustered like a tomato now.

They sat in the bathroom talking about how horrible Zoey was and how much they know that Liam and Henry like eachother but won't admit it. They talked nothing about the music club at all during those 40 minutes in the bathroom. Jake was very suprised but also glad. He didn't want the pressure on him like normally.

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