Chapter 2: Zoey!?!

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Drew looked over and saw Jake. Drew got out of his seat to go over to Jake but Jake started to move. Drew yelled after Jake. "Jake!"

Drew caught up with Jake and stood right in front of him so he couldn't move. "Jake. Why won't you talk to me?" Drew asked. Jake was sweating a little bit because of how hard Drew was holding Jake's shoulder. Drew noticed and let go of his shoulder and blushed a little bit.

"Sorry..." Drew said. "Its fine" Jake said. There was silence for a couple of minutes until Drew spoke up. "You look like you haven't slept in days...u ok?" Jake looked down at his hands. "I-im fine..." Jake whispered. Drew sighed. "I-um-broke up with Zoey...and she-she seemed pretty mad at you..." Jake looked up. "Knowing her she probraly-" Jake started to say but Jake trailed off.

"Huh?" Drew asked. Jake was mortified. Jake started walking off without saying anything to Drew. "Jake, where are you going!?!" Drew yelled after him, catching up with him.

When Jake was running through the halls he looked at everybody and they were all laughing at Jake. Jake finally found Zoey who was with Lia. "Jake, cmon, I don't wanna be with them" Drew said. Too late.

"Zoey!" Jake yelled, getting her attention. Zoey looked over and saw Jake and Drew standing there. She smiled. "Oh, hey Drew, do you still have any friends?" She said. Drew looked down at his shoes and Jake stepped infront of Drew.

"First of all. Shut up. He's a better person then you will ever be." Jake said which made Drew look up in suprise. "Second of all. What did you do?" Jake asked. "What ever do you mean?" Zoey said. "Everybody Is laughing at me and talking about me and you were mad at me for Drew braking up with you...what did you do!?!" Jake yelled. "W-wait what do you mean everyone is laughing at you?" Drew said.

Zoey laughed and took out her phone to show Jake. "The real reason why Jake was kicked out of the music club.." Drew was also able to see what Zoey posted and was suprised.

"!" Jake said. Jake's worst fear was to be bullied again and especially infront of Drew. Jake started to cry a little bit but held most of it in. Jake ran away into the bathroom stall and Drew just stood there.

Drew went up to Zoey and slapped her on the face making her cry. "You will pay for ruining Jake's life like this." Drew said and ran away trying to find Jake.

I didn't mean too...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum