Prologue: Lee Chan - Dino

Start from the beginning

"Can you dance?"

"Soonyoung..." Jihoon started, but Soonyoung held up his hand and looked at him.

"He looks like he can dance really well," he looks back over at me, eyes piercing, "can you?"

I took a deep breath in and out, calming my nerves a bit.

"Yeah, I used to all the time. I had a stage name too."

"Come over here and test this choreo with me." Soonyoung said, making the 'over here' hand wave.

I don't think I could dance with him, he seems so much better than I am I'll look like a fool, I feel a hand on my back. I looked to see Jeonghan smiling at me.

"Go ahead Chan, no one here is going to be mean to you, I promise." the hand pushed me forward until I was walking over to Soonyoung by myself.

I stopped a little bit behind him, like I had used to back when I had a dance instructor. He turned around and looked at me in the mirror.

"Just follow my lead okay? Jun! Start the music!"

A song started to play, and immediately Soonyoung started to move. When the guy started to sing, he did the first move. It was a simple side step, arm bent upwards, then snap. I copied it easily. Then body roll with one hand back and stepping forward and back with one foot at a time. Followed by hand out, shoulder shake. It ended with a step to the side followed by both arms bent upwards then snaps. When the singer started the first verse, I started the moves over again in time with Soonyoung. It's just like when I used to dance with my old instructor, back when I was little. After doing all the moves Soonyoung showed me, I freestyled a tiny bit before the song was paused.

I gulped, afraid of what everyone thought. Soonyoung suddenly turned towards me and took my hands, he was smiling at me.

"You picked that up like it was nothing Channie! That was so good! You should be an instructor here. It's me, Jun, and..."

"Wait, no I can't!" I quickly cut in. Soonyoung tilted his head, confused.

"Why not?"

"I'm...I have trouble...being around others." I looked at everyone else, they all looked confused, except Jeonghan, "Look, you're all so nice and I loved dancing with you Soonyoung. I'm just, terribly afraid of people. Jeonghan dragged me here, because if he didn't I'd never leave my apartment." I shook my head, "I'm sorry, I should just go."

I went to pull away from Soonyoung, but I felt his grip getting tighter on my hands.

"Chan, we don't want you to leave." Seokmin said, walking over.

"How about this? Chan can dance here at night while it's closed to the public. He can then show you or me the choreos." Junhui said, coming over as well and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"That sounds great." Soonyoung smiled, he looked at me hopefully, "How about it Channie?"

"We can also all get meals and stuff for you." Seungkwan added.

"You just can't shut yourself out from any one of us." Jihoon said. They all want me to stay? I looked over at Jeonghan, who was smiling.

"Told you you'd fit in, and that I'll get you more older brothers." he laughed a little bit.

"Older?" Seungkwan asked.

"Yeah, Channie here is a little under a year younger than you. So he's the new baby in our group."

"New baby?" I asked, as Soonyoung pulled me into a side hug.

"Yep!" he rubbed his cheek against mine.

"Wait guys, Chan should have a stage name. So when we introduce his choreographies we don't use his real name." Junhui said.

"You did say you used to have one," Soonyoung stopped hugging me, "You wanna use that? What even was it?"

I looked around at everyone. They all want me to hang around them. They want me to choreograph stuff and might even use my dances.

"You all really want me around?" I asked. I'm still waiting to get told this was all a big joke, that no one wants me to hang around them.

"Of course!"

"We all really like you."

"You're our friend now." different voices all said at once. My eyes started to water, but not from sadness, not this time. I took a shaky breath in and let it out.

"Dino. My stage name was Dino. I'd like to use it, please?" I felt a tear slip down my cheek. Immediately I wiped it away, Soonyoung and Junhui both dropping their hands. Did I do something wrong? Do they hate my name choice? Are they...

An arm then wrapped around my shoulders. I looked to see Jeonghan next to me, Seungkwan handing him a tissue. He then dabbed my face with it. I didn't even realize that I had started crying. Jeonghan finished cleaning my face and handed the wet tissue back to Seungkwan. he then smiled at me, his grin as bright as can be.

"Dino nugu aegi?"


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