Ch. 1: Life in a Family Of 6

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Me: Another Girl Bites The Dust... *The Scene Starts with me blocking Paula on Snapchat because of her red flag of wanting Sex without Marriage*

Mii: Girl Troubles Again?

Me: I don't know what to tell you, Buddy... But Sex without Marriage, is the biggest red card there is in a Boyfriend/Girlfriend Relationship.

Mii: I couldn't agree more.

Dad: Hey Boys, Dinner Time.

Me and Mii: Comin'.

*It was pizza night*

Dad: How was everyone's day?

Mii: Great.

Me: Just same as always.

Mii: He had to break up with Paula and Block her for that Massive Red Card.

Me: It's True.

Mom: So Sorry to hear that, Y'know you finding the right girl, We want that for you more than you realize, Sorry if it feels like Love is kicking you in the face.

Me: It is Okay, If anything My Son has it down, and I am Proud of him, Me? I am doing my best to focus on Work, Getting In Shape, and trying to not let the past bother me.

Mom: At least you are still Strong in the End.

Me: Exactly, And that is my high for today.

Mii: I Share The Same.

Dad: Proud of you both, Joshua, even if you are not the brightest sibling in the family, You have grown into a Proud Father to your Mii.

Me: Thanks, Another High Added. Food finished, I am hitting the hay. *I head up to bed*

Mom: Sleep well Honey, Love you.

Mii. Night Dad.

Me "Offscreen": Love you too, Night.

Mom: Mii, a word please.

Mii: Yes Ma'am.

*In The Office*

Mom: Mii, I'm worried about your father, he has survived every bad day of his life, it feels like he fights it all with a fake smile on his face, and his experience in counseling, I would not ask this of anybody, not even David or Cody... Joshua needs powers, like you. If you can find some way to give him powers, so that he can learn how to control them and give him the adventure of his life, I feel very grateful.

Mii: I will see what I can do, Grandma... What about that headset that Joshua plays, maybe I could start with that.

Mom: It'll be a start, The rest of us will be praying.

Mii: Yeah, Don't stop with that, I Will First grab The Headset and See If I Can Merge The Powers of The Games He Often Plays and Put them in his System.

Mom: Can You Actually do that?

Mii: I Believe I Can, But if I can't suggest locking the door.

Mom: Same here, and Probably Cover the Window as well,

Mii: Yep.

*The Plan Is Set, So Mii Grabs the Oculus and He comes to my room without waking me up*

Mii: I swore on my oath, I would not use this power again, But The Fairs Rely On Me. *Closed the Blinds and Curtains, and Uses an Unknown Merging Dream Spell, Mii's Eyes Glow 100 Times Brighter than a City* *Foreign Hebrew Language (Combining Unnatural Powers into a Human Being with God's Grace)* אדוני, רפא את אבי... אלוהים, צדק בטעויותיי... ישו, אני מתפלל לידע וכוח... אש, על עוול, חוזק והגנה רוח, למען שלום, מהירות וחוסר רחמים ברק, לחופש, אנרגיה, זריזות ושיפוט כוח משיכה, לסבלנות, סיבולת ורחמים כדור הארץ, לשליטה עצמית ויצירתיות כלים, לייצג את העזרה שלך, עבודתך ומטרתך ולייצג אותך הוא האדון והמושיע בעיניי, כתם לידה צלב על מצחו כאילו הוא האומני-קוסם שלך! אָמֵן! *The Message was clear, God, Heard this Prayer and Granted me Powers and Tools through the headset, and Embroided a Cross Birthmark on My Forehead, I didn't even feel it* You Owe Your Mom, Big. Dad, She never stopped praying and believing in you surviving one day after another. Goodnight.

*Mii heads down to the basement, Where he meets his Wives or in this Case, Girlfriends*

HoneyQueen: There you are, where have you been?

Mii: Uh... This is going to be a real nut-cracker, but my look-alike... I sort of gave him powers, so now he's kind of like me, but stronger.

Sohyang: You are not joking?

Mii: Nope.

Glamdozer: *yawn* I think that is wonderful.

Mii: Oh Sorry, "Dozey" I didn't mean to wake you.

Glamdozer: Eh, The babies were awake before me.

Mii: Yeah, Lil' SpikeDozer... Is meant to become the next king of his people.

Glamdozer: Yeah.

Sohyang: Anyway, on that note, these new powers look like they're going to be permanent with Joshua, shouldn't he need someone to help him control his powers and use them properly? *Everyone looks at Sohyang* What? Why Me?

Mii: You know Kendo, do you not?

Sohyang: Yes I know Kendo, but what does that have to do with anything...

Mii: You see in order to be good with Kendo, you have to be good at self control, patience, and using both your mind and heart, if you can teach him how to have those three things he might be the best Omnimage there is.

Sohyang & Hinako: Omni-mage?

Mii: Yeah, I know i gave him quite a weird name, but i had the idea to give him that is Ungodly, Then with some time and experience it turns into something more Defender-ish.

HoneyQueen: I think that is A Fine Idea, I sure hope your dad knows what he is doing when he wakes up.

Mii: Well if he doesn't, He remembers he has Me, His Friends, His Family, and God.

Sohyang: Agreed, Now come on, It's Late Already, We need to sleep, If you want me to teach him, I Accept.

Mii: That's All i need to hear, Alright Goodnight.

Sohyang: Night.

Hinako: Night.

HoneyQueen: Night.

Glamdozer: Night.

Mii: Thank You God, From this moment forth, Everything gets Better.


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