Ch. 6: An Omnimage's "Omnirage"

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*We decided to head into Vader Immortal and decided To Help ZOE-3, Of Course we got Arrested By Admiral Carius, and We learned what Darth Vader Wanted My Blood For, I was separated from my shipmate, my love, and my Son, teaming up with Vader was a nightmare, I was able to unlock the bright star with the lightsword, and we leave off to this scene...*

ZOE-3: So you think the priestess is going to meet us here or what, what do we do?

Mii: Something's going to happen...

Me: Shh...

Vilip: Thank you, I am... sorry.

Iris & ZOE-3: Sorry?

Mii: Vilip?

ZOE-3: What? Saving a planet is Awesome! Am I right, Captain? I never felt so- Wait, What are you sorry for?

*Hears breathing*

Iris: Josh?

Me: I Hear it, Too.

*The Bright Star suddenly flies away and Vader Appears from the Wall*

ZOE-3: You Rat, I knew we shouldn't have trusted you.

Vilip: No, Vader only seeks the bright star, Now that he has it, He would leave us in- *Interrupted by Vader Force shoving him and ZOE-3 Down the Caverns*

Vader: Enough! *I whisper to Mii and He nods* Did you think you could become my apprentice? *Force Chokes Me, Iris and Mii Immediately got him down on his knees*

Iris: Put Him Down. *Covers Her Ears*

Mii (Sonic Screamed): THAT IS MY DAD YOU'RE MESSING WITH!!! *Vader annoyed already, puts me down and tries to stab my mii, but he reacted fast and Drags Vader Up The Walls Of Rock* Listen here, Shrimp, nobody messes with my dad and is so much as this happens again... I will Kill You, but be lucky that I won't right now... Because my dad has other ideas. *He Drops Vader and He grabs Iris and Flies Down to See If ZOE-3 and Vilip Were Okay.*

Me: Yep, My Mii Has His Abilities.

Vader: Enough! *Force choked hard*

Me: You! Just Stop Talking! I understood why you were truly wanting that bright star for, You're wanting to heal her despite the other things that could happen... What if I were to tell you that you were not the one who killed Padme?

Vader: What Do You Mean?

Me: Your Master, Darth Sidious was the one who made her lose her will to live, but before she died she gave birth to two kids...

Vader: How did you know?

Me: I Grew Up and Trained as a Jedi Warrior through the force at a Rough Time...

Vader: Order 66.

Me: Yeah... It took everything from me, my home, my friends, ZOE-3, what's the only one left or could ever consider a friend.

Vader: Give in to Your Anger...

Me: The choice is yours, Vader, insert the bright star is it the Eon engine, feel like you'll get what you want in the end, but I'm telling you that bright star holds danger, you could end up accidentally summoning shadows, and won't just be a war between the rebels and the empire... it'd be worse. I'm not going to get in your way I'm not going to kill you, my friends may be down there and alone. *I Use My Gravity Spell to Jump down the hole and Slow My Fall*

*1 Minute Earlier, Down the Caverns*

*Everyone was groaning*

Iris: Zoe...

ZOE-3: Iris... Mii...

Mii: You guys good?

*Hears Someone Grunting*

ZOE-3 & Iris: That Better not be Vilip.

Vilip: Please...

ZOE-3: No! No.

Iris: You betrayed us!

ZOE-3: You betrayed everyone on Mustafar.

Vilip: I-

Mii: Give me one Damn Good reason, Why I shouldn't murder you.

Vilip: I- I-: I thought if we rid the planet of the bright star, We would finally be free.

Iris: That is the stupidest excuse, I've ever heard.

Vilip: But now I see that the only path to freedom is to work together. eh... to get the bright star back... We can- *Interrupted by rancor grabbing him out of nowhere and eating him, Shocking the rest of us*

Mii: Get Down, Both of You! *He Readies his powers, and The Creature turns out to be A "Rancor" Almost like an ugly giant ant-monkey? Lol*

* "Poetry, Apology in Advance" The Rancor tries to attack, but My Mii had different plans, He Eye Lasered At It to At Least land some marks on him, the rancor tried to swat at him, But My Mii had another idea, He used his powers to piss off the rancor, making him Swat all over the place and not grabbing him once, He Power Punches it Up the Ceiling and is unresponsive for right now*

Mii: Good Fight, Big Boy...

Me: Well I guess you guys didn't need my help, where's vilip?

ZOE-3: Eaten by a rancor, Where's Vader?

Me: He and I had an interesting conversation, he possesses the bright star, didn't look like he was willing to give it back, so I decided to negotiate with him...

ZOE-3: Wai-, Hold On, You mean to tell me you let Vader escape with the bright star?

Me: Guilty as charged, but let me ask you this... What is a sith Lord without his lightsaber? *Shows that he swiped Darth Vader's Lightsaber* Reducing the choice of resurrecting shadows with the Eon engine, he would want to come looking for it.

Iris: Well that's better than nothi- *Screams, as being picked up by the Rancor*

Me (Rage): Mii, Tell Everyone to take cover and cover their ears.

Mii: ...*Gulp* Yes Sir.

*Just Before Iris could be put into the Rancor's Jaws, I quickly swiped her from the rancor*

Me: You good?

Iris: I don't know how to answer that right now.

Me: We'll talk about it, later, for now get down and cover your ears boyfriend's about to get mad.

*Iris Without Hesitation Agrees and Did as I Said*

*Mii then saw something on my hand, A Ring?*

Me: Make Me Giant. *He Suddenly Grows, and Dislocates Everyone of the Rancor's Arms, Coating the Nest in Blood and "Most Disarming"*

*I then was on top of the Disarmed Rancor, Angry as can be Flaming Eyes, the rancor was just downright frightened*

Mii: ...Oh no...

Iris: He's Gonna Blow...

ZOE-3: Cover Your Ears!! *Everyone did as she said, I Was Infuriated and I Let out a Loud...*

Me (Omnirage): RRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! *The Impaling "Scroar" (Scream + Roar) weakened the structure around the caverns, and Lightning Stormed Mustafar, even a flicker of a got to Vader's Castle, back to the battle scene, I then looked at the Rancor, and it must have been killed by the impalation caused by the "Scroar" I shrink back down to size*

Mii: Dad...?

Me: I Need a minute of silence...

*The Priestess came to the Scene and So Did a Few of the Troops and Wonic, I took a knee in front of the Dead rancor*

Me: You are such a brave creature, I'm sorry I killed you... It may not cut it... But I bet there was a lot of there that you before I killed you... I don't deserve to continue.... *I sob lightly and Knelt... Mii and Iris Came to My Side, and Clung to Me*


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