"Gotta be more careful!" he whispered.

"Sorry, sorry!"

Scout leaned back against the cold stone. A moment of silence, followed by his curious eyes drifting to his new buddy. He studied Gravedigger closely yet quietly. Crimson eyes, naturally green hair, pale face...

Grave locked eyes with him for a second, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You look...different."

Right. They met in the middle of the night, of course Scout had never actually seen Grave's face in detail.

"Something wrong with that?"

"No! Just.. never noticed it.. You look more umm 'human' than your father"

"Well yeah, born human remember?"

"Right! But... How did you end up with Fallen King?... If you are willing to talk about it, of course!!"

Grave shrugged, "It's not a happy story if that's what you expect"

"It's alright if you don't want to say.."

"No, no it's ok... I don't mind..." Grave took a small breath he began, "In my village some people started a rumour that they heard of a possible 'Titan child' and well they weren't wrong.. To shorten things up, the local military base heard about it and they came after me... My family gave me away to them... I ran into the woods near our home on the day they came to pick me up and... Well, Fallen King found me.. Took me in. That's all"

Scout took a moment to gather his words, he  wasn’t sure what to say after the nonchalantly told sad story, "That sounds... wild. I am sorry about what your family did"

"They have my brothers and sisters, it's not like I was important."

The young man fully turned to face his younger companion, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Don't say that! I have a younger brother too, doesn't mean my parents love me any less!"



"I have ten siblings."

"O- Oh God!" Scout choked on his own spit.

Gravedigger laughed at his friend's shocked face. It never gets old!

"Yeah, it's easy to blend in.."

"Let me guess, middle child?"

Grave lifted an eyebrow, "Yeah?"

"You got middle child energy!"

"What is that even supposed to mean?!"

They both burst out laughing. Shushing each other when the Ranger turned towards them again.

"Man, I can barely deal with my little bro', I would die with ten!"

"Haha, yeah.. It's not easy."

Scout turned back to Grave, patting his shoulder comfortingly.
"But I do mean it. Ten siblings or not I think they love just as much"

"I guess..."

"...What about now?"


"Do you have any other siblings? Or just Molten?

"What is this an interview!?" he exclaimed jokingly.

Scout huffed, "I am just curious!! "

"I am kidding Scout. No, I don't have any other siblings now. I do have cousins though "

" Wait, really? "

" Did you think our family is just Molten, dad and I?"

"I didn't know! Is like Lord Sinister also part of your family too?"

"Interested about uncle Sinister, huh?"

"He is the only Titan I had ever seen up close, prior to you"

"Alright, alright. Dad has two brothers yes? Uncle Sinister and uncle Krampus. Uncle Sinister has a boy named Ducky Doom-"

Scout chimed in, "The robot duck is a child like you?"

"Yes. Now let me finish! Uncle Krampus has a son named Frost Spirit"

"I have heard of that guy!"

"Who, Frost?"

"No! Krampus! My mother used to tell my brother stories about this Krampus fella, who used to steal kids that misbehaved!"

"Yeah.. I know those too."

"And haven't the towers sealed the guy away? How could he have a child?"

Grave froze, "... What did they do?"

"Yeah, at least that's what I heard..." answered Scout nonchalantly.

He paused looking back at Gravedigger who stared at him disbelief. "Did-did you not know that?"

Grave was taken even more aback, "Scout, my uncle went missing three years ago, nobody knew what happened to him!"

Scout felt his heart race as the realisation hit, "OH MY GOD! I thought you knew, I-!"

"I need to tell my father!" yelled Grave as he sat up only for a hand to pull him back down.

"Please don't! Commander is gonna kill me!" whispered-yelled Scout.

"Scout if this is true, my uncle could still be alive!"

"I don't know if it is! I just heard stories!"

Gravedigger took in a deep breath, watching the Tower evenly,
"Ok, Scout, I want you to tell me everything you know about this."

Scout nodded rapidly, "O- Ok! A- All I know is that the Commander before the one today was like super known for defeating the great evil Krampus... There were talks about a portal leading to a certain dimension in which they sealed him but no one knows how it works or if this is even true to begin with!"

"Do you know where the portal is?"

"Uhm...no? It was rumored to be around the base some where.. I think"

The young boy leaned back against the wall, barely comprehending everything that he had heard. An arm across his shoulders brought him back to reality.

"Grave' I am so sorry! I thought you knew! I-"

Before he could say anything else, Gravedigger sat up and rushed down the staires into the building leaving Scout behind to sink in his thoughts.
"Oh Com's gonna end me..."

Titan Turn; A TDS Story Where stories live. Discover now