Everleigh is 21 week's pregnant doctor visit

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Emiliano - baby you ready to find out the gender of the twins
Everleigh - yes I am I feel them kicking me

Nurse - everleigh come back good to see you again
Everleigh - good to see you too
After the aultry sound

Nurse - you ready to find out
Everleigh - yes

Nurse - both boys
Everleigh - aww I wanted a girl
Emiliano - we can try again one there 1 years or 2 years old
Everleigh - okay daddy
Emiliano - glared give us alone time
Nurse - okay

Emiliano - started taking off her clothes and start kissing and everleigh starts moaning
Everleigh - the nurse said you can finger me
Emiliano - okay he slides his hands down her pants damn your wet
Everleigh moaned right there Emiliano shh or I will have to put my hand over your mouth
They stoped when they here'd a knock

They quickly put there clothes back on

Emiliano - come In

Nurse - you need to leave the next patient here
Everleigh - okay

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