Sienna punishment

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Alfonzo - growled in anger Ryan jerk sienna up and take her into my bedroom please and thank you and make sure you beat her ass hard got that do you understand

Ryan - yes sir I will

Sienna fought with her brother and finally took off outside when she was stopped by Noah

Noah - whoa whoa whoa where do you think you're going
As he picked her up she did weigh nothing she's light as a feather for a 10 year old because Alfonzo said she has a eating disorder which they have to Force her eat to keep her alive because she was bullied at school so shee was called was fat naturally to lose weight or make it fall off but if they knew her dad was Alfonzo Costello they wouldn't be Saying stuff because he is in the mafia

Sienna - screamed put me down
Noah slapped her ass
Noah - watch it as he saw Ryan running towards her

Ryan - growled come with me little brat I'm so sorry for the way she was behaving she's gonna learn today and she won't be sitting properly for about a week

Noah - it's OK i
I'm used to this my kids are like her

Ryan puts her on his hip in then then Walks in to the house and brings her into his bedroom beat her ass

Ryan walks up the stairs he went out 2 stairs cases to get to his bedroom while caring Her why she's screaming over his shoulder
He opens the door throws her on the bed and slowly takes his belt off she looks up in Horror because she's never had the belt before it was always a wooden spoon or a hand

Ryan - go stand in the corner
Sienna - please don't i'm sorry she Bagged him
Ryan - sighs just do what you're told then the next time you won't have to go through this
Ryan - do I make myself clear
Sienna - yes brother I'm sorry
Ryan - yes what he raised his voice
Sienna - yes sir
Ryan - bend over the bed now he growled
Sienna - obeyed him knowing she can't fight against him because he's older And stronger

Ryan - I am going easy since you never had the belt before your only getting 17 swats count them
Sienna - yes sir thank you for not going overboard

Sienna's whooping

Smack 2
Smack 3
Smack 4
Smack 5
Smack 6
Smack 7
Smack 8 oww she wailed
Smack 9
SMACK. 10 that was a hard spanking
Smack 12
Smack 13
Smack 14

Smack 15 you don't ever smack 16 cuss at dad do you understand SMACK 17

Ryan put his belt back on

Sienna didn't stop crying

Ryan - said come mere he said she ran into his arms and cry to in his arms for an hour so it was time to go downstairs and apologize for her behavior

Ryan - are you ready to go downstairs
Sienna - yes sir

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