(Emma what she looks like )- emma punishment

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Emma - screams yes what do you want with a little attitude and sass
Rocco - bend over the couch as she sees Niall undue his belt
Niall - why are you in this position
Emma - BECAUSE YOU MEAN TO ME because I had a attitude and raised my voice
Noah - So here is how we are doing are new punishment
Liam - You will bare yourself from the waist down
Emma - sobbed no please stop I didn't mean to raise my voice I was just angry that you. Won't let me play with Valentina
Mean while Emiliano is driving with Valentina and max to look at Christmas lights
Which Valentina loves Christmas it her favorite holiday since she was a toddler
They went because Valentina and max are scared after being punched and kicked and beaten they have flashbacks since we brought them home 40 minutes ago
Back at home -
Niall pre snapped the belt
Smack smack smack
Smack smack smack smack smack
Smack YOU smack DONT Smack ever smack raise smack
Your smack smack voice at anyone smack and have attitude smack
Smack Smack smack smack smack crack crack crack smack smack smack smack
Smack smack smack smack smack smack please stop smack smack smack smack
Now get your ass at the table and don't put your jeans on
Erik - and I will get the paper and pencil ✏️
Alessandro - hope you learn your lesson
Emma - please cousin I can't sit it hurts bad
Alessandro - will you don't be bad and you wouldn't have a sore ass
Emma sit down Erik put the paper and pencil down

Rocco - you will write I will not have attitude and raise my voice 30 times
Emma - yessss sir as she cried her eyes out
Erik will sit at the table to make sure you don't get up from the table

Emma Costello - sentences
1 I will not have attitude and rise my voice
2 I will not have a attitude and rise my voice
3 I will not have attitude and rise my voice
4 I will not have a attitude and rise my voice
5 I will not have a attitude and rise my voice
6 I will not have a. Attitude and rise my voice
7 I will not have a attitude and rise my voice
8 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
9 I will not have a attitude and rise my voice
10 I will not have a attitude and rise my voice
11 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
12 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
13 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
14 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
15 I will not have a attitude. And raise my voice
16 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
17 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
18 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
20 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
21 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
22 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
23 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
24 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
25 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
26 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
27 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
28 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
29 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice
30 I will not have a attitude and raise my voice

Emma - done
Erik - took you 2 hours
Alessandro - did you say your done
Niall - took you long enough
Louis - yeah what he said
Emma - ugh why you always calling me out

Noah - last parts of your punishment
Emma - yes sir
Noah - push up 10

Emma - okay

Noah - good job
Emma - runs out humiliated That her cousin and uncle saw her privets
She ran into the miorr and saw her ass black and blue and purple with blood 🩸
She puts her jeans back on the told her older cousin
Emma - pst James can we run a way for a little bit
James - yes we can
So Emma packed hoodie and leggings jacket gloves shoes underwear 50 pillow

James pack hoodies jeans sweatpants boxer briefs 52 pare jacket shoes his phone charger his laptop his 60 k million dollars
And put his keys in his pocket pillow

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