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Taylor melted into the soft lips of Minghao, their lips were dancing together slowly and with passion. His hand at her neck not letting her go from the kiss, she parted her lips a bit giving permission for his tongue to enter. She was almost out of breath when Minghao let her breathe, staring into her eyes.

"Sorry for not being there." He gave her a little peck 

"I'm ok" the girl smiled putting her hand on top of his 

"Go to bed before I kiss you again" he smirked 

"I can't sleep" she pouted "Can I lay here with you for a little bit?" 

"If they see you here with me they won't shut up about it" 

"And if we go to your bed? Only Jun and Mei would see" Taylor gave an idea 

"I will have to threaten Jun for him to stay silent but it's worth it. You need to sleep"

Both of them lay in his bed, her head on his chest while he runs his fingers up and down her back trying to fall asleep. After a few minutes they were both sleeping profoundly.

After a few hours, Minghao and Jun had to get up because of the comeback. Jun turn off the alarm, kiss the forehead of Mei and whisper "Sleep babe, it's still early" his girlfriend simply turn to the other side and kept sleeping.

When he looked to his side expeting to see only Taylor, he saw Minghao trying to leave the bed without waking up the girl.

He chuckles, is his first time seeing Minghao like this. He looked one last time at the girls to make sure they didn't wake up.

In the living room were Vernon,S.Coups and Woozi are drinking coffee.
"Good morning" they both said 

"Good morning lover boy, weren't you suppose to sleep on the couch?" S.Coups asked 

"I slept here, just went to my room to get some clothes" 

"Have you seen your phone?" Woozi intervene 

"No why?" 

"Junho went crazy on our text group and called me 50 times. He must be searching for her" 

"He must be regretting his decisions. He sober up probably after she left" S.Coups sipping on his coffee

Minghao took his phone to see what they are talking about

Everyone loves 🦖

Hey guys is Taylor there?
Can anyone answer me ?
Please I need to know that she's fine
Woozi are you not at home?
Can I go to your dorms?
Fuck you have the comeback, you should be sleeping right now

"He seems desperate" Minghao closed his phone " He's not touching her ever again" 

"Who touch who ?" Vernon asked confused


After some time all the members were prepared to leave, only the girls would be left in there. They heard a knock on the door thinking it was their manager.

Dino opened the door just to see Junho with a tired face. He pushed Dino out of the way and started looking for Taylor.

Before Minghao could punch him, Jeonghan did the job for him. Only a few know what he did, the rest were dumbfounded at the action of the older member.

Jun grabbed Minghao, he knows him too well. He is a second away to lose control.

"Leave" Jeonghan told him 

"I need to see her" Junho looked him in the eyes " I need to apologize" 

"You need to be far away from her" Minghao clenched his jaw 

"This is all your fault" Junho growls 

"I was not the one who went home wasted" he answered to his accusation 

"Junho I don't what happened but I believe is best if you go" Joshua told him "Tay is sleeping, don't wake up her"

Junho's heart almost twitched at knowing that she was there.
"Where ?! Which room tell me ?" Junho pleaded to Joshua "I'll bring her home" 

"She's in my bed. Now fuck off" Minghao answered knowing that Junho wouldn't like it.

"You stay away from her!" Junho yelled at Minghao

"Hao?" Taylor had woken up by the yelling "Why are you yelling this early?" She opened the door, it only take one look at the room to understand what was wrong. 

"Tay please let me talk to you" he walked in her direction but Minghao,Jun and S.Coups went to protect the girl. 

"Leave." Taylor coldly said 


"Leave now, please" you could hear light sobbing coming from her 

"I'll go, I'm really sorry Tay"

After he left, not one person knew what to say. Some of them didn't understand what just happened.

"I swear if it was Seungkwan screaming I will smack his ass" Mei came through the door only to see Taylor crying "What's wrong?" 

"Junho was here" Jun told his girlfriend 

She hummed and went to hug Taylor "You all have to go, me and Haeri will stay with her, and after we'll go to the show"

Minghao stared at Taylor and after Mei, she gave her a reassurance look telling him that Taylor is in good hands. They all left, Minghao was the last one, he gave her a kiss on her forehead and before Mei could tell anything he ran out through the front door.

"After breakfast, you have a lot to explain"

Quiet Romance || Xu MinghaoWhere stories live. Discover now