"yea" athena said almost in a whisper "ight" jack said and athena nodded. he hung up and the tears immediately began to drop from his eyes. he quickly wiped them and tried psyching himself out, telling himself it was okay.

minutes later jack walked out of the room and back    to where the boys were all laughing "aye jack get over here ace is sayin he'll beat you" urban said, motioning towards the video game they were playing.

urban glanced at jack and had to do a double take, realizing his eyes were puffy "what happened?" now everyone had their attention on jack. "me and athena broke up"

silence grew upon the group, shocked since they all grew to love athena like a sister.

3 weeks later...

after athena balled her eyes out that night she decided she needed to suck it up and get drakes album done.

he did end up finding out the two broke up when she would constantly come to studio high or when she stayed in the corner of the doing her own thing.

he offered to let her go and let herself heal but she insisted on producing the album, it was the only thing keeping him off her mind really.

she had to fly back to LA to for a photoshoot with tori, this time she was behind the camera. tori was picking her up after she landed.

she had told tori what happened and immediately tori insisted they go out after shoot. "fine then can we go to eriks friends kickback ?" she said, talking about the guy she was currently talking too.

"fine" athena huffed. she hadnt really gone out but being with drake and his team always felt like a party. "great we'll leave in an hour" tori said pulling up to the place they were staying at.

athena quickly got ready, she hadnt been on social media at all which made the media wonder. she was decently famous with 90 mil on her instagram.

tori then drove to eriks place so everyone could go together. "we gotta get down ?" athena moped, she didnt feel like socializing none the less going to a kickback.

"thena its just real quick cmon" athena got out of the car. "and atleast act like your happy" tori added as they were going up the elevator.

when erik opened his apartment door he greeted tori first with a hug. he then dapped up athena and welcomed the two. inside there were atleast 5 people just scattered throughout the kitchen and living room.

it didnt take long for athena to spot her ex jordan and made eye contact with him before quickly looked away. she looked for tori who was no where to be found and neither was erik. she took a mental note to cuss her out later.

"athena ?" a voice she thought shed never hear again "hey jordan" she said with a small smile. he gave her a side hug. the two didnt leave off on bad terms at all. both agreed that the spark wasnt there anymore and went their separate ways.

"long time no see huh ?" he said as athena looked up at him "did you get taller or something ? goddamn bro" she felt as if she was looking up at a skyscraper.

jordan chuckled and shook his head "i think you shrunk" she elbowed him "shutup" "so what'd you doin in LA ?" he asked as the two walked into the kitchen.

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