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a week later..

that following day athena flew out to toronto to finally start drakes album. she had been working crazy hours at the studio, trying to find good beats.

her and jacks schedule had been off so they havent really talked to each other. it did upset athena that they would lag on each other really bad. she knew jack was busy doing photoshoot and interviews but she didnt like the feeling.

she wasnt having the best day, every beat she made she didnt like or there was something off about it. she got back to the place she was staying at around 12 in the morning, finally looking at her phone.

j <3

hey i have a free day today
so call me when you can

athena got comfy and facetimed him. he answered on the second ring with a big smile on his face. athena noticed by the noise of his surroundings that he was with the boys.

"hey" he said, urban quickly came into frame "yooo athena how you been" he said relatively loud, athena laughed "hey urb ive been busy"

the rest of the boys cluttered together to say hi before jack pushed them off, walking into a separate room.

"i missed you" he said as he sat down on the couch "i missed you too" she smiled, enjoying his presence. she didnt realize how much she missed him until she was on call with him.

"so how was your day ?" the two didnt want to admit that it had been a little awkward talking to each other after not talking for about a week.

athena began to rant about her day and how bad it was when she looked down at her phone to notice jack wasnt even paying attention. looking away from the phone, clearly daydreaming athena got annoyed.

"bro how the fuck are you gonna ask me about my day and not even act like your listening ?" that snapped jack back "i was" he replied rubbing his eyes.

athena chuckled, not because it was funny but because she was starting to get mad "im done" "with what ?" he furrowed his eyebrows "jack you cant possibly tell me were dating"

jack sighed because he knew this was coming "we havent had an actual conversation for a week" athena tried keeping calm.

"im sorry-" jack got interrupted "dont fuckin say sorry jack it isnt your fault. we both have busy careers its just frustrating because i cant talk to my boyfriend." athena said looking at jack who was looking away from the screen.

"jack look at me" he slowly looked at her, she could see the tears forming in his eyes. for as long as athena dated jack, shes only ever seen him cry a couple of times. it was a rare occurrence.

"im not saying that i want to break up but what we have right now isnt a relationship and its really stressful trying to keep it going" she said, trying not to cry herself.

"i get what you're sayin but with both of our careers being as busy as they are, when is it ever gonna cam down for us to actually be with each other ?" he asked

athena poked her cheek with her tongue, a habit she picked up from jack "i dont know" jack rubbed his face "so we're done ?" he sounded disappointed.

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