𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿

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A few days later, Jinho contacted us to get us assembled in a certain dungeon in the mountains.

"Look, Yoo Jinho. What's all this?" Jinwoo sweat dropped, unsure how to reply.

"What do you mean 'all this'?!" Jinho retorted. "They're our teammates for today!"

"Not, like, legitimately, right? It'll just be us three going in the portal, right?" I looked at all our 'teammates'.

"Yeah! These are people who have a hunter's license but can't attend raids due to various reasons, those who are struggling in life, and some who came here for some quick cash grab." 

We focused our attention on a high school girl in a pink hoodie. "Is a kid even allowed to do raids?" Jinwoo asked.

"Kid? That's rude. I'm a full-fledged hunter." She responded, offended by Jinwoo's light-hearted statement.

"Do you, a high schooler, have any raid experience?" I chimed in, scoffing.


"E-rank, I presume?" I sigh. "Well, it's fine. Only Jinho, Jinwoo, and I will enter the dungeon anyway, so you can just wait outside."

"We weren't allowed to attempt the C-rank dungeon with just the three of us, so that's why we brought you guys as well. By law, a  C-rank raid needs 10 people." Jinho nicely explained, but the 'freeloaders' still had some questions.

"Um... will you really give 3 million won to each of us, even when we stay outside?"

"Yep! 3 Million per raid for each of you! The pretty good darn deal, considering you don't have to do anything" I answer.

"All you have to do is to wait for us until we finish, but you must not tell anyone what you've seen or heard here. 

"If you do, I'll hunt you down and ask you to pay 10 times as much as you earned." I let out a little killing intent.

"Ahem, well, yeah, written in per contract. Just minus the 'i'll hunt you down' part."

"I'll be watching." Smiling ominously, I skipped toward Jinwoo, who questioned Jinho's thick armor he's been wearing all this time. 

"It's a full set of hardened armor made in an Italian artisan guild. If we're going to raid with just the three of us, should I prepare at least this much?"

"Take it off, idiot. I bet you can't even walk in that." I poked him, and he fell down immediately.




"Please help me up."

I sigh.

He wore the helmet, saying just in case anything happens.

"Ha... fine, fine. Let's hurry." Jinwoo dipped his hands into his pockets and entered the portal with the other two.

Many people had doubts as to whether or not they could really clear the dungeon, but before the clock could even strike 10, Jinho ran out of the portal.

"Oh, you came back alive? Looks like you ran away successfully."

"Thank god."

"Wait, look at that! He wasn't running away! T-The gate is closing!"

"Shush, you're louder than a cat in heat." I rub my ear, hating the yelling.

"Jinho, where's the next one?"

"It's about an hour away from here." Jinho then directed his voice at the audience. "Alright, let's move. We have to clear a total of three dungeons today."

Little did the three know, they've caught a certain guild's eyes.

While the two players were excitedly testing out their moves, a quest appeared when they both reached a certain level.

"Hey, Jinwoo-ah. You're seeing what I'm seeing, right?"

"Yes... A job change quest."

"Hmm... I'm guessing it means like jobs that appear in games, like 'Warrior, Archer, Berserker,' etc."

"Interesting. It's up to you but I'll accept it, and I'll do it tomorrow."

"Of course, I'll accept! Anything you're doing, I'll do it too. I'll discuss with Jinho about a change of plans tomorrow."


Two scouters that came from the White Tiger guild were quite shocked at the sight he was seeing. Mats were placed down before the portal as if they were there for picnicking.

"The party leader is returning! Get ready to move!" Jinho announced. 

"What's the schedule for tomorrow? We forgot we had something important to do, so if possible, could you leave tomorrow's plans empty." I asked Jinho.

"Tomorrow, hyung? I've already reserved the dungeons, but if it's urgent, then I will cancel them."

"Hmm, I think it's fine if you just leave them reserved."


"Hunter Sung Jinwoo, Hwan Changmin." A person dressed in office attire approached us, and handed us his business card. He claimed to be the chief of the second department of management in the White Tiger guild. He invited the two of us to meet him at a cafe to have a chat. 

"I'll get to the point. We want to recruit you both into the White Tiger Guild for twice the amount that Yoo Jin Architectures offered you. If you do well compared to your assumed skill, then the pay can increase." He smiled, almost certain that we would agree.

Jinwoo spoke up first. "How much is the White Tiger guild's building price for you to make an offer like this?"

Clearly baffled, he replied with an "Excuse me?
...We're not using all the floors, but it should be around 50 billion."

"And you want to hand that over to us?"

"Eh? I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"30 billion," I said.


"A 30 billion won building is what Yoo Jin Architectures offered us. To actually recruit us, doesn't that mean you'll be offering your 50 billion won White Tiger Guild building?" I smiled, earning amusement from his bewildered and doubtful face.

"If you think he's bluffing, then I can confirm it for you." Jinwoo raised his phone, tone full of confidence.

"U, um... Such a high price goes beyond my abilities. If you give me some time, I can negotiate with the guild's higher-ups..."

"Then we're finished here. Let's go, Hyung."

We both stood up and walked towards the exit. but I turned around and leaned on the barricade that surrounded our table, watching Jinwoo do his thing.

"Oh, right."

I set up a soundproof barricade with one of my skills, 'Insider's secret' that I had gotten from my parents to prevent any information from leaking. It was just safety measures, really.

"How did you obtain this information about us?" He questioned, slowly fading into nothingness with the newly obtained skill, 'Stealth'. "Did you research our backgrounds?" A thin cut appeared on the scouter's cheeks. 

He's so cool. I thought, watching everything. Half way through the conversation, I start feeling a bit sleepy.

The scouter meekly answered all his questions, and Jinwoo forced him to make an oath about staying silent about us.

He appeared again and sat down again. While he was negotiating to sell 3 C-rank gates for a total of 600 million won, I leaned against him, placing my head on top of his and arms on his shoulders.

"I...is it done?" The one in office attire cautiously asks.

"3 C-rank gates, total 600 million. Please send it to my account." He shook hands with Jinwoo, confirming the deal.

I saw Jinwoo digging out a potion from his Inventory, so I waved my hand and used my ability to heal his wound instead.

"Don't waste it," I mumbled.

"Alright, alright, since you've healed him already. Thanks, hyung."

"Sure..." I yawn, tired of all this business talk. I never liked it, either. Perhaps that's why I refused the position of the heir of XX Company.

"We'll take our leave now. C'mon, get up." He pats my biceps twice, and I sluggishly unattached myself from him.

"This is what I mean when you're clingy... not that I mind." He chuckles.



"Well~ Let's begin."

"Time to become employed!"

"We're doing the Job change quest. If you say it like that, the readers will get confused."

"That's true... But who cares! Let's go!"

Monarch of Luminescence || Solo-LevelingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora