|•Prologue II•|

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Kendra woke up in a large fluffy bed . She sat up and found herself in a foreign room. It looked regal yet modern looking. Her hair was untied and she was now in a white nightgown. 

"What the hell?" she whispered to herself. 

Just then, the door to the room opened and in came two men. One of them had silver hair and green eyes while the other, who was taller and looked slightly older, had short silver hair and blue eyes. 

"You're awake at last I see," said the shorter man.

"Who are you people?" was Kendra's first reply. 

"I'd advise you show some respect to the king." the other man spoke. 

"King?" the girl scoffed, "And I'm a princess then aren't I? I'm not asking again."

"I am King Regis Lucis Caelum." the shorter man spoke. "And this is Clarus Amicitia." 

"And who may you be?" Clarus spoke next.

The girl hesitated, eyeing them for a moment before she spoke.


"Kendra," Regis repeated. "What is the last you remember?"

Kendra thought for a bit. "I was surfing. I just left the cavern. And a wave caught me off guard. I thought I'd drowned." 

She took one more look at her surroundings. "Wait. Where on earth am I?" she asked. 

"Eos." Regis replied. "You are not on the place you call earth anymore."

"What?" Kendra doubted if she heard right. "I'm not on..... earth? That's not possible, are we in space? What planet is this?" 

"As I said. You are on Eos. You are not on a different planet but rather a different dimension, I believe." the king spoke slowly so she could clearly understand. 

"Another dimension." the girl scoffed again. "Is this some kinda prank? Did sir put you up to this?" She was starting to grow angry again. 

"I knew he didn't want me surfing but all out kidnapping me is going to far! I'm calling the police!" she jumped out of the bed and Clarus was quick to stand in front of Regis. 

"I assure you this is no prank, Kendra." The king maintained his calm tone. "You are indeed in another dimension, much like your earth but different. But not to worry, you are safe within the Citadel walls."

After pondering what the man said, Kendra eventually did calm down and sat back on the bed. "So what now?" 

"Now, I have a small favor to ask of you." Regis started. "If you don't mind, that is?" 

"Do you have a pool?" she asked just as he finished. 


"Yeah. A pool or like a tiny lake. Better yet, the ocean. This place looks big enough to hold the Atlantic." she smirked.

"What would you want to do with a pool?" Clarus asked, skeptically. 

"Of coarse we do. Would you perhaps be more comfortable discussing matters in the water?" the king then suggested.

"Well, yeah. Everything is better underwater." Kendra grinned and was then led to a large swimming pool in one of the gardens of the grand palace.

She was given her original outfit to wear and didn't hesitate to dive headfirst into the 8ft deep mass of water. 

She sighed in content once she resurfaced. "Ah, that's better. Now what were you saying?" she smiled as she talked. 

"I believe, Kendra, that your coming here was not a mere accident." Regis started as Kendra paddled in the water casually.

"Therefore I would like for you to accompany my son on his journey to Altissia." 

"I'm guessing your son is the prince?" she then asked. 

"Indeed, I trust you will find your reason for being transported to this world while on that journey. And in the process remain by his side to see the journey through." 

Kendra thought a moment. Travelling with a prince she didn't know in a world she didn't know. Normally that would scare her. But she got the feeling that it would eventually come out to be for the best. 

She nodded slightly, "Alright. I'll do it, not like I had anything better to do anyway." 

"Wonderful. You depart tomorrow." Regis smiled in reply. "I trust you'll be able to find your way back after your swim?" 

"I'm not leaving for a while but, whatever." Kendra shrugged and was left alone once more. 

"Look at you Kendra," she laughed, floating on the small current of the pool. "One moment you're sure you're walking down the staircase to hell and the next you find out you're gonna be spending the next few months with a prince."

She then scoffed. "Bet he's one of the bratty ones like in the movies who always think girls are little damsels in distress. We are so not gonna get along.

But.... anything's better than the life I used to live so.....WHATEVER!!" she plunged herself under the water and screamed at the top of her lungs.

This should be interesting...



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