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"Ladies and Gentlemen, making their way to her throne which is the ocean itself is the one! The only! Queen of the waves! KENDRA!!!"

A girl with her black to turquoise hombre hair in a ponytail and her blue flecked green eyes burning with passion made her way to the shore of the beach in her purple bikini and grey short with her cyan colored surf board under one arm.

She smiled to herself as the cheers from the hundreds of people on the beach reached her. She grinned at the crowd, winked and did a playful salute before she dashed and dived into the water.

"Here we go folks. Surf legend Kendra is in her element once more and is ready to bedazzle us with her magic on the board!" the commentator narrated.

The girl paddled deeper into the ocean before she sat on her board and waited. She waited.... and waited..... A wave..... A bigger wave..... An even bigger one.

 "Not yet," she told herself.

 Just then a wave the size of a blue whale formed and she sprang into action.

"Dear surf fans! Kendra has decided to take on one of the gnarliest waves to ever make its way to South Cove Beach! And she's on her board taking it by storm!!!"

The girl was riding the wave flawlessly. Maneuvering every obstacle with ease, she surfed effortlessly. She waited for the perfect moment before she jumped, did a double-flip and dove into the deep blue.

"And that's a perfect finish from the ocean goddess Kendra! Earning a ten outta ten from all the judges. You can expect nothing less from the Queen of the waves herself ladies and gents!!"

She stayed underwater a moment, letting the current take her wherever until she found her board, grabbed it and swan to shore on it.

"Wonderful Kendra, simply wonderful!" a man in a black suit cheered as he strode toward her. 

"Thank you, sir," Kendra smiled and they shook hands.

 "Keep that up and you'll be global number on in no time! And to think, if I hadn't found you on the streets two years ago you'd still be nothing!" he laughed.

The girl's smile faltered at the sound of the past but she quickly hid it. "Y-yeah. Nothing." 

"Now, I have a meeting. Get lost but don't get in trouble." 

"Yes, sir," Kendra answered before they parted ways.


Soon it was nightfall and Kendra, still in her short and now a matching zip-up hoodie, was seated under a bridge watching the water of the river flow. She was eating two cheeseburgers with a chocolate milkshake from the money the man gave her to get a salad at some super expensive restaurant.

"As a surfer you need to watch what you eat,"  he'd said "You don't want to lose your shape, do you?"

Kendra rolled her eyes at the thought and took another large bite from her juicy meal. 

'He doesn't care about me,'  she thought, 'If he did I'd have a roof to sleep under.'

      She finished her meal and made her way back to the beach. She immediately rushed into the ocean. Kendra stopped as her bare feet made contact with the cool liquid and smiled. Throwing off her hoodie, the hombre haired girl dived into the blue, smiling even brighter once her whole body was entrenched. She swan effortlessly in the massive water body until she came across a small underwater coral tunnel.

       She swan through it for a few minutes- not even slightly struggling for air- until she saw light from above. She resurfaced and her head popped up in the middle of a small pool. Surrounding the area was a crystal cavern, gleaming with every tint of purple and blue. She got out and sat on the side, her legs still in the water.

       Kendra sighed in content as she looked up and all around her. The comfortable silence, the night sky with all its fifty shades of blue, the full moonlight reflecting and gleaming on the water, the salty sea air and the sound of the waves in the distance.

Kendra smiled at the ambiance. This was her safe place. Her heaven. No one else. Just her and the water. This was her home.

Just then her phone rang, she groaned as she looked at the caller ID and answered.

"Yes, sir?"

 'Where are you?' the man's voice boomed.

 "No where important," she swiftly answered.

  'You're in that cave again, aren't you?'  

Kendra flinched at the words.

She'd been caught.

"N-no sir I..."

  'I warned you time and again Kendra! You aren't to go there  ever again!' 

"But sir..." 

'Just last night was my last warning!'

The girl started to grow angry,

 "Well maybe if I actually had somewhere to go instead of wandering the streets every night, I'd stay away!" 

'You dare speak back to me you spoiled insolent child. I knew I should've left you on the streets to rot! I've tolerated enough of your nuisance Kendra! That's it! I'm withdrawing my sponsorship for you. You will never compete! Never surf again. You'll be nothing once more and nothing you'll stay! Now good night!'

And with that, the call cut.

Kendra- stunned with shock- had tears streaming down her face as her phone slipped from her hand.

 "N-no.... It can't... He can't!" she cried.

 She threw he phone in anger, grabbed her board from its hiding place and went out of the cavern a different way.

She paddled out into the moonlit ocean and stared into its never-ending Mako-infused bliss. 

"No one," she told herself, "No one will keep me away from the water."

She sat there, drifting every way the current took her until finally she decided to head back to shore.

But just as she was paddling back, a wave similar to the one she rode before formed behind and crashed down on her. Taken by surprise, Kendra had the air knocked out of her as she struggled to resurface.

She tried and tried, but it seemed the more she swan the deeper she sank. And before she knew it, the sea-foam blue liquid surrounding Kendra turned pitch black.



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