How Thomas and Carter Meet Each Other

Start from the beginning

"Ah, I see." The guy said, then he looked behind him. "Hey, you wanna walk together?"

Thomas blinked, then nodded with no hesitation. The guy smiled, and they both walked down the block side by side.

"But I am a little new." Thomas started to talk again, as they walked together. "I did start here a few months ago," Thomas told him. "A few months ago? I guess you weren't here when the Pandapocalypse happened."

Thomas looked at him, then looked ahead of him. "Well, no. But I always hear about it,"

"Yeah, it was a little crazy,"

"So... What's your name?"

Thomas looked at him. "M-My name's Thomas," He said. He saw him smile. "Are you from Britain?"

"Was it my accent that gave it away?" Thomas said with a chuckle. "Yes, I am. I lived there for 8 years, then moved to Florida, then I ended up here, in Canada."

"Wow, so you moved to 3 different countries in such a short time?!" They asked surprised. Thomas chuckled. "Basically,"

"Man, that's insane. Oh! My name's Carter by the way,"

"Oh, Carter?" Thomas said, but then he saw Carter giggling. "Um... What?"

Carter just shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I'm just giggling at how you say my name. Car'TA'" He said with a giggle. Thomas just shook his head. "Oh, stop," He chuckled. Carter just giggled. "I've never met someone from Britain before, it feels... a little surreal listing to you, I've only heard your accent on TV and such,"

"Well, I'm sure there are some people from the United Kingdom living around Toronto somewhere, this is one of the most diverse places I've seen in a while," Thomas said. Carter nodded. "I know!"

"I wonder if you could say my name without the accent," Carter asked, as he turned his head to Thomas. Thomas blinked. "Say your name without the accent?"

Carter nodded. "Um..." Thomas never tried to speak without his accent before. It never occurred to him. But, he tried to say his new acquaintance's name. "C-C....Car....Carea..." He was trying to say it, but it was harder than it seemed. Carter snorted at Thomas's failed attempt. "Carea?!" He laughed. "Hey, I'm trying here!" Thomas laughed along with him. He tried again. "C...Car....Car....C-Car....." It's like his voice couldn't leave the word Car, and Carter's giggles were making him lose focus. "My name isn't Car," Laughed Carter. "I know that!" Thomas chuckled. "Um... Ok, let me try again,"

Carter smiled. "Okay,"

Thomas took a deep breath and relaxed. Carter was looking at him, waiting on his response. "Car....Cartael"

"PIFFFTTTTTT," Carter snorted so loud, he covered his mouth, and started to laugh so hard, it looked like he was about to fall. "Thomas?! What the?! HAHAHA!" He laughed. Poor Thomas bashfully covered his face. "The heck is a Cartael?! PIFFFTTTT!" Carter was just in a giggle fit, and poor Thomas was just blushing like an idiot.

"Well, this just goes to show, that I can't unBritish myself,"

Carter laughed at that. "That's one way to say it," He giggled. Eventually, he calmed down from laughing. "Man, I never laughed so hard in my life before..." He looked at Thomas. "Thanks for that man," He said with an ever-so-quite giggle. Thomas just rubbed the back of his head. "Well... I guess you're welcome," He said with a smile. Thomas looked up and saw that they were nearing his house. Thomas was honestly a little disappointed. He didn't want to jump to anything and call Carter his friend yet, but he was growing on him. He's gone for so long without anyone in his life. "So... Um... That's my house coming up," He said, as he pointed to the one house on the block, that had a small blue car in the driveway. "Oh? You're not too far from the school," Carter said. Thomas shook his head. "I know, it's why I walk instead of taking the tram, no need to pay anything for that," Thomas said. "Also gives me a chance to see the trams go by,"

"See the trams go by?" Carter asked. "Uhh... Nothing," He said. "So... Um... Guess... I might see you Monday?" Thomas asked. Carter tilted his head. "Monday? But it's Friday, would you want to hang out on Saturday?" He asked. Thomas blinked at him. "Saturday? T-This Saturday?"

Carter playfully rolled his eyes. "No, next Saturday. Of course this Saturday dummy," He giggled. Thomas blushed. "O-Oh... Um, ok!"

Carter smiled. "It was nice meeting you! See you tomorrow!"


Thomas walked inside his house. He could smell whatever his dad was cooking in the kitchen. It smelt so good. "Thomas!" His dad called out. "You doing ok? You came home a little later than usual this afternoon,"

Thomas took off his school bag. "I-...I made a new friend..."

His dad stopped cooking for a moment and looked over Thomas's way surprised. "Y-You did?!" Thomas nodded. "And... I'm going hang out with him tomorrow, will that be alright?"

"Will that be alright? Of COURSE, it is!" His dad said with a big smile. Thomas gave a small smile, then went into his room. His dad looked back at what he was cooking. "I'm glad Toronto is turning out good for him so far," He said to himself.

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