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Michelle walked down the cobblestone hallways towards the Great Hall for lunch. Her history of magic class had been even more sleep inducing than usual, and as she rounded a corner she spotted two familiar redheads standing in the hall.
"Hello Michelle" the Weasley twins said in unison, smirks on their faces.
"Well hello Fred, hello George, to what do I owe the honour?" Michelle asked sarcastically, cocking her head to the side. But before either of the boys could respond, Michelle sternly added "And if this has anything to do with boils, bloating, boogers, or any of your other pranks, you'll let me past if you know what's good for you".
"How dare you accuse us of such a thing?" Fred said, feigning offence.
"You act as though we're immature children" added George.
"Now, we have come to offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity..." continued Fred.
"To join us, devilish debonairs, on a journey transcending time and space..."
"Crossing places not even the minister himself could dream up" finished Fred as he swept his arms through the air in a dramatic manner.
Michelle stood with her hip cocked to the side, tapping her foot unimpressed.
"Let me guess..." she said "you're asking me if I want to take a secret tunnel to Hogsmeade with you?"
"Well Fred, Snape had half a brain the day he made her prefect. The girl's a genius! Now Madame, you know the plan, what's your answer?"
Michelle had to think about the proposal. She would be fraternizing with Gryffindor quidditch players, the enemy! However, the twins always piqued her interest, and she found some of their pranks quite funny, mostly because she never had a soft spot for Mr. Filch.
"Well boys, I have been hoping to purchase some new clothes, and Diagon Alley is a little too cramped for my taste..." the boys started smiling as they heard her agree to accompany them "but, I barely know the two of you at all, so I must insist that I bring a friend."
The twins shared a look.
"Luna Lovegood. If she goes, I go", Michelle crossed her arms after giving her offer.
"Well, George and I will be delighted to accompany the two of you tomorrow after afternoon class" Fred said, bowing low.
"I'll see you then, meet Luna and I by the Black Lake" Michelle offered them a smile and strode down the hallway, continuing towards the Great Hall for lunch.

Fred, George, and Oliver all walked into their history of magic classroom with Professor Binns, two of the three ready for the class to be a period to catch up on some much needed sleep.
As the crone droned on about one of the many wizarding conflicts from one of the many centuries that is found in one of many textbooks, George scribbled on a piece of parchment and slid it towards Oliver, who sat between the two Weasleys.
Hogsmeade tomorrow after afternoon classes?
Oliver quickly glanced at the page before shaking his head no and returning his focus back to the lesson. But George did not give up and kept shoving his parchment into Oliver's hand, distracting him from the lesson. Finally Oliver scribbled an answer below George's question.
I have to be in top mental and physical shape for the quidditch season!
George looked stunned at the answer and tried to show Fred, but he'd already begun to softly snore five minutes prior.
Blimey Wood! The quidditch season hasn't even started! Now is the only time you can have fun for the rest of the year.
Oliver, after making sure that Professor Binns wasn't watching scribbled back a short
George rolled his eyes at the brunet and wrote
Well Oliver, Fred was telling me that he's started having some harsh ankle pain, and as a twin I think I'm feeling it too, I don't know if either of us will be able to play this season...
Oliver read the message and tight lipped he turned his head towards George, who had a slight smirk on a his face.
"You wouldn't" he whispered, in disbelief that George would play this card.
George smirked and leaned down to grab his ankle, wincing in fake pain.
"Ow Ollie, it really hurts" he said in a hushed tone, knowing that this would make him break.
Oliver stared at George for a minute, face going bright red from frustration before huffing.
"Fine. Just this once". He said as he then turned his head back towards his own parchment and the lesson that he'd been missing.
"You won't regret it mate" George said as he slapped his friend on the back and smiled as he resolved to follow in his brother's footsteps and fall asleep for the rest of the lesson.

The Opposition (an oliver wood story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن