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Oliver sat on his bed in his dorm going over quidditch plays. McGonagall's engagement he had just attended had not been unlike other attempts of hers to try and make him and Michelle bond. After five years, the Professor had gotten it down to a routine. First, she would call a meeting, usually under the premise that it was quidditch-related. Then, some combination of Michelle, Terence, Adrian, Cedric, Hufflepuff Keeper Winston, Hufflepuff Beater Elise, Cho, Ravenclaw Beater Harmen, Ravenclaw Chaser Illiane, Oliver, and a few Weasleys would meet in some common area like her office, the quidditch pitch, or the Great Hall. After Professor McGonagall finished her long-winded speech about teamwork, inter house connections, and the importance of friendship, there would be some sort of spat between Oliver and Michelle, usually backed up by other Gryffindor and Slytherin members. When the Professor finally settled things down she would give up and try again in a few months. But tonight was a surprise for Oliver. He never expected her to actually threaten taking away quidditch, she was his Head of House for Merlin's sake! This year he truly believed that Gryffindor was going to take home the quidditch cup, but he couldn't do that being benched for the first three games.
Being honest, he didn't expect Michelle to take up his deal about acting civil. She never did anything that he asked her to, but quidditch must be more important than a rivalry.
Just as Oliver was finishing drawing the play for the Bulgarian Whip-Snap, Fred and George burst into his dorm room.
"Mate, you are never going to believe this" Fred stated. Oliver's head shot up at the noise, but after noticing the over-dramatic twins, he went back to his work.
George continued.
"Freddie here and I were taking a nice midnight stroll through the castle-"
"Admiring the view of course" Fred cut in.
"Of course. Your late night shenanigans wouldn't have anything to do with pranking a certain care-taker at this school?" Oliver inquired.
"Merlin, no!" Fred responded, feigning hurt while holding a hand over his heart.
"It is preposterous that you think of us as being so uncivilized." George said, copying the emotions of his brother. "But enough about us. As we strolled through the castle, we found our way up to the astronomy tower."
"And low and behold. In front of us laid out something better than McGonagall could've provided at that little dinner party of hers."
"It was Slytherin quidditch extraordinaire, Terence Higgs. On top of-"
"Only the love of your life."
"Michelle Horvath." George finished. With the last statement Oliver's head shot up in confusion.
"First of all, I don't love her, I don't even like her. Second of all, you're sure it was Michelle and Terence?" Oliver asked.
"First of all, you don't hate someone like that without actually being in love with them. And second of all-"
"It couldn't have been clearer. Unless of course it was daytime." Fred and George answered, respectively. George noticed Oliver's brow start to furrow, "What is it Ollie? Jealous?".
"What? No. That's preposterous. Have you seen the way those two act around each other, I'm surprised they haven't run off and gotten married".
"Whatever you say... Well George and I should be heading out, we don't need to be reprimanded by dear Percy so he can let us know that he's Head Boy for the millionth time."
Oliver bid the two redheads goodnight, put away his playbooks and fell asleep thinking about the blonde Slytherin, as she was falling asleep thinking about the Gryffindor quidditch captain.

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