Vampire Brothers

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Masaaki had no idea how to handle this situation.

There were 2 strangers in his apartment. The first was a tall robed figure with his head covered by 3 paper bags. He knew this stranger could summon a gun and had ammo draped around his body.

The second was a boy with glasses. Blond hair with black tips. He looked very unimpressed crimson eyes glaring from the top of the frame arms folded as he perched on the sofa.

Said sofa was holding Kuro who was still unconscious.

They were soon joined by a third guy with black hair and a thick beard, looking about in his 50s.

"Guil," the blond greeted. "Is the violinist guy safe?"

"Safe as can be boss. I dropped him off outside the hotel he's staying at. His manager found him and took him inside." They kinda remind me of Crantz and the violent angel.

...Guil knew better than to say that last part outloud.

"Excellent work Guil. Now," the blond continued turning to Masaaki. "We can talk properly."

Masaaki gulped nervously. The blond was glaring in a way that made Masaaki feel like he was 1 wrong word from killing him-

"Oi. Lawless," the robed stranger reprimanded. "Introduce yourself first." To Masaaki he added, "I'm Doubt Doubt of Envy."

"...Lawless of Greed," the blond added. "We're Sleepy Ash's brothers."

"Who's Sleepy Ash?"

"What! The lazy idiot didn't introduce himself? I'm talking about him of course!" Lawless replied poking Kuro's forehead. "Sloth Nii-san!"

"We have nicknames in placehold of those given by eves," Doubt Doubt explained. "That's the names we gave you... though envy and greed are just our associated sin."

"Associated sin?"

"Each of us is linked to a deadly sin- sloth pride envy wrath greed gluttony and lust with our youngest linked to the sin of melancholy," Doubt Doubt explained. He patted Kuro's head. "He's the oldest, Sleepy Ash of Sloth."

"A... and... eves?" Masaaki asked.

...he really didn't tell you anything. Doubt Doubt ignored the thought and replied, "That's what the human that forms a contract with a servamp is."

"Ah! I know this!" Masaaki exclaimed. "Kuro called them the master of a servamp. So... I'm an eve?"

"...from what we saw yes."

"Speaking of eves..."

Lawless's dark look was back.

"Explain that," he growled pointing at Masaaki's wrist. The chains had faded, but there was now a black loop around Masaaki's wrist.

Masaaki swallowed nervously and answered, "I... Kuro was getting really hurt so... I... I wanted to help..."

"Why were you with him?"

"K- Kuro and I had a- a temporary contract- he said it'd go away after 24 hours if I didn't... so- we had to be- I didn't know, I- I thought I was just picking up a stray so I... I gave him a bell... and a name-"

"And why Kuro?"

"I- I don't know! I- I thought he was a cat so... so I called him Kuro! It's as simple as that!!"

Lawless snarled quietly. "Simple..." he muttered. "Now I understand why Sloth Nii-san was so pissed... not only did you contract Sloth Nii-san and look incredibly like him... you have the same speech patterns and gave Sloth Nii-san the same name to boot..."

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