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dude wtf

"dude wtf" you've never spoken
to me like that

hyunjin what

is something wrong?


what is it?

miss me?


i miss you

what are you doing in

you can't answer a question
with another question


can you answer my question?

but you haven't answered mine

why are you in japan?

why can't i be?

when did you plan on
coming here?

for a couple of weeks

seungmin and i have been
saving up


for you, jeongin

but now?

i didn't plan on us fighting
near the day i was coming

i was gonna tell you but
you were angry at me

i'm not angry at you

why didn't you tell me?

how could i when we
had that fight?

i was scared to message

i still would've responded

i know but i didn't know
if you wanted to hear from me

i would if you told me
you were coming

how long are you staying?

two months

why so long?

to spend time with you

i wanted it to be a surprise

jeongin, i'm not angry at you
or hate you in the slightest.
nothing could make me hate you

i hope you feel the same

call me


calling mine


hyunjin put his phone up to his ear, "hello?"

jeongin ruffed his hair on his end. he became stressed as soon as he heard his voice in his ear, something he's been longing for after his outburst. "where are you staying?"

hyunjin smiled to himself looking over and seungmin laying in his separate bed in the hotel they were staying at.

"i'm around a twenty minute drive to tokyo."


"what do you mean 'how'? haha— by booking a ticket here and paying for a hotel!"

jeongin stayed silent for a moment. he was speechless to think hyunjin was so close to him. he didn't know whether to ask to meet, to recommend him places to go, or to forget about him completely. he knew me messed up and he didn't know if it was fixable or not. jeongin did not figure out anything about his feelings either. he was stuck with the knowledge of what he did wrong and how to fix it, however he has trouble putting it into action. he didn't know if taking a time to reflect or talk to hyunjin would be best.

did hyunjin still even like him?

"can we hang out?" hyunjin asked suddenly. jeongin shook his head as his eyes grew wide. his rambling thoughts shutting up for a moment, only thinking about hyunjin.


hyunjin was now looking and seungmin who was eagerly nodding his head, putting on his shoes. he caught on quickly that hyunjin was on a call with jeongin— it was bound to happen since they were in japan. hyunjin vented about their argument to him, defending jeongins actions and even blamed himself for everything that seemed to go wrong. seungmin punched his arm hard enough to put sense into him, reassuring it was part of the process of a relationship.

"if you're free though, we can plan another time." hyunjin spoke again.

jeongin stood up and headed towards a mirror to fix himself up quickly in a panic, "no, i'm free. can i bring chan?"

nothing was processing through his mind thoroughly: hyunjin, his supposed boyfriend from korea, was now in japan, and they were meeting in less than an hour. all jeongin's questions and hopes of meeting this boy were finally playing out and he was not mentally prepared.

he didn't know what terms he was on with hyunjin. they didn't discuss it further after their argument. it felt like he was meeting someone entirely new despite knowing so much about the boy.

"of course! seungmins coming with." hyunjin paced around his shared hotel room as he grew excited to see the boy.



"i still like you." jeongin let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding.

hyunjin giggled on his end, slapping seungmins arm lightly as he was getting flustered and blushing, "stop—ow!" seungmin whisper yelled at him, trying to get further away from him. seungmin sped walk to their bathroom to freshen up.

"i still really like you too, jeongin. let's talk about everything when we meet, hm? send me an address."

the two agreed mutually, their call ending shortly as seungmin came out of the bathroom, "am i gonna third wheel? it's okay if i am— i PREPARED myself!"

hyunjin threw his phone in the bed, covering his face with his hand and screamed.

"if we get a noise complaint, you're paying for the next hotel!" seungmin pointed his finger at hyunjin, scolding him.

hyunjin jumped up and down, his excitement overwhelming him, "i'm meeting jeongin! oh my god, seungmin i'm gonna kiss him."

"don't get too ahead of yourself, what if he breaks up with you?"


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