𝐢𝐢𝐢 | cadet corps

Start from the beginning

Shadis asks her why she is eating a potato and Sasha keeps giving him totally different answers, asking him if he is wondering why people eat potatoes.

Somehow, the conversation shifts and now Sasha is offering a small portion of the potato she was eating to the man with a sheepish smile.

As a result, Sasha was ordered to run around the center until she drops.

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"I can't believe we have to spend three years in this hellhole," Iris
whispers to Annie.

It was the next morning and they were both getting ready in the girls' dorm. Luckily, they were the only ones left. The rest of the girls were already in the dinning hall for breakfast, except for Sasha, who was snoring soundly in her bed.

The dorm consisted of a large room with four sets of wooden bunk beds and a door leading to a big locker for all of their belongings. Annie and Iris decided to stick together and choose the same bunk bed.

"Not if we move our asses and find the Founding as fast as possible," Annie whispers back nonchalantly.

Sasha didn't seem like a threat since she was asleep but Iris and Annie were still cautious about everything. Iris was finishing to put on her boots and Annie putting on her straps.

"I guess," replies Iris, zipping up her left boot.

"I'll go ahead," Annie announces, already opening the door knob, she looks over her shoulder, "don't do anything stupid."

"Me? You sure you don't mean Reiner?" Iris asks, confused that Annie would think she is stupid.

Annie shrugs. She opens the door and leaves, closing it afterwards. Iris rolls her eyes and continues to zip up her other boot. When finished, she heads for the door, but then, she remembers.

Sasha is still sleeping.

She frowns, debating on waking her up or not.

Who was she to wake her up? She shouldn't get involve with these island devils in the first place. She should ignore her and focus on the mission, so why was she making her way to the devil's bed?

Hesitatingly, Iris taps Sasha's sleeping body, "Um... Sasha?"

The brunette lets out a big snore, scratching her cheek and then going back to her previous position. Iris groans internally.

"Sasha," she taps harder, "Sasha, wake up. There's only forty minutes left."

No response.

Then, something comes into Iris' mind.

"Sasha, wake up. Let's go get food."

And just like she thought, Sasha bats her eyes open at the word food. She quickly sits up and blinks confusedly at her surroundings. Her hair was tangled and all over her face.


Iris nods slowly, "Yes, food."

"Food!" Sasha gasps excitedly, jolting out of her bed, pushing Iris in the process, and sprinting to the locker.

𝐌𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐑 |  j. kirstein Where stories live. Discover now