Chapter Two: Cedric's Story, the 11th Century...

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A scream broke the cold air, shattering the calm. A villager scrambled to keep his footing over the wet cobblestones, fleeing the castle's stables. He failed to cry for help as he struggled to control his tongue. Finally managing to swallow, he shrieked the reason behind his fear.

"Werewolf! Werewolf!"

Not far from the battered man stood a massive hulk of fur. Baring its teeth, the werewolf displayed jaws large enough to chomp any man in half, drool dripping across the ground. The damp night made the inner castle courtyard seem empty in the full moon as it peeked over the towers. The villager slipped, taking a hard fall onto the road, gripping his bloody side where the beast had torn into him earlier.

"Be still." The thunderous voice rumbled from the werewolf's chest as it stalked closer. The muscled monster's saliva dripped heavily like rain at the villager's feet. "I am in no mood to chase something so small."

"Help!" Was all he could manage before coughing consumed him.

"Go on, cry for help." The werewolf crouched, laughing in a roar. "Cry out in pain and fear! No one can save you! They have all locked their doors and windows! No nobleman is going to crawl out of his bed to save a man who is nothing but stable scum! What a shame!"

"What of a Lord, then?" The villager's heart skipped to hear someone else besides the beast before him, hope flooding his emotions.

The monster's laughter stopped, ears folding back on his head as it turned towards the direction of the questioner.

"Who are you, pest?" Growling, the werewolf returned to all fours, his tail whipping from side to side.

"I am Lord Cedric." Cedric's green eyes flashed from where he crouched on the ground next to the castle walls. He slowly stood, grinning, showing he was tall, broad, and fearless against the werewolf that stood before him. "I thought you were going to hide all night. It's a shame that you are only a street dog. I can see why Romasanta left you behind."

"Quiet you!" Barking and growling, foam dripped from the werewolf's mouth. "You have no business speaking my master's name! I shall devour you for such insolence!"

"I am afraid you are the meal tonight." Drawing his sword Cedric sighed, his black tipped, blood red hair shifting in a gust of wind. "You are very naïve to think you are the predator here, mutt."

The werewolf's yellow eyes widened. Crouching, he took a more offensive stance. "The demonic knight who feeds on his own kind, I have heard of you! You're an abomination upon this Earth! I shall eat you here and end your suffering as a living being."

"I'd like to see you try." He held his sword loosely in his right hand and nodded, daring the creature to come for him.

The bulk of fur was instantly upon the spot where Cedric stood. With equal speed and grace, Cedric placed a hand on top of the massive wolf head, redirecting the pre-emptive attack. Using this connection for leverage, he propelled himself over the beast with a flip and landed without falter. Enraged at the defensive maneuver, the werewolf spun around, swinging his claw with all his weight. There was a loud clanking as sword and claw met in front of Cedric's face. The muscles in the monster's shoulders twitched. Jerking, Cedric leapt back. He had gained enough distance in time to see the massive jaws snap shut where his head had been a moment ago. The stench of the werewolf's breath hung in Cedric's nose; it was too close. Snorting, their vindictive dance continued, both of them fueling their untold desires for vengeance. A grin and sparkle grew in his green eyes. The beast's panting became more apparent. The werewolf's movements began slowing with each pounce.

Cedric the Demonic Knight (The Cedric Series Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant