Chapter 24: Midsummers

Start from the beginning

"I'd like to voice my skepticism," Pope said

"I'm sure you would, Pope," John B said, "Can I please present you with my evidence, sir?"

"Proceed," Pope said waving his hand.

"All right. So, in my backpack," John B said pulling out a paper, "I have a letter from Denmark Tanny."

"Who the hell is that?" Kiara asked.

"Denmark Tanny was a slave that survived the Royal Merchant wreck," John B said handing the paper to Kiara, "Check this out."

"What?" Evelyn asked leaning to look at the paper Kiara was holding.

"Slaves weren't mentioned as crew member on the ship, but my dad, he found the complete manifest," John B said, "That was his big discovery. So Tanny used the gold from the Merchant to buy his freedom."

Kiara handed the paper over to JJ, who handed it to Pope.

"After that he bought his farm. Drumroll, please, because that farm is," John B said as the group slapped their knees, "Tannyhill Plantation."

"Tannyhill?" Kiara asked.

"Yeah. So, after that, he used his money to free even more slaves, and then he sold a shit-ton of rice, which pisses off all of the white planters, and then they decide to lynch him," John B said, "So on the day they were coming to get him, he writes a letter to his son as a farewell. And in the last line of that letter, he leaves a coded message about where to find the gold."

"Where?" Evelyn whispered.

"Harvest the wheat in parcel nine, near the water," John B said, "Except...there's no wheat. You see, wheat is code for gold. Check this out. The gold is in parcel nine, near the water."

"Holy shit," Pope said.

"All we need is an original survey man of the property, and we've found the gold," John B said.

"So this might have a small change of being actually true," Pope said.

JJ walked over to John B picking him up, "Hello! Fire! Fire! You're near the fire. You're gonna burn."

"I'm so proud of you right now," JJ said putting John B back on the ground.

"Thank you," John B said grabbing JJ's face, "That's really sweet of you."

"Okay, so, guys," Pope said, "What's the plan?"

"Good question," John B said pointing at Pope, "Sarah Cameron's coming tonight."

Evelyn looked over at Kiara, who's face twisted in confusion

"She's gonna bring an original survey map--"

"Hold on," Kiara said, "Sarah. Wh-why Sarah?"

"This is gonna be good," JJ said glancing at Evelyn.

"Sarah um-she--she got me into the archives in Chapel Hill yesterday, and that's where I got the letter," John B said.

"You were in Chapel Hill with Sarah Cameron?" Kiara asked.

"Yeah, um--"

"He was mackin' on her," JJ said making Evelyn gasp.

"I wasn't macking," John B said.

"You were totally macking on Sarah Cameron," JJ said.

"I wasn't macking on her, okay. I was using her for access," John B said.

"There was access, all right," JJ mumbled.

"Did you tell her about the treasure?" Evelyn asked.

"I was just trying to get into the archives," John B said.

"Is that a yes?" Kiara questioned.

"I left out key details," John B said.

"Yo, what?" Kiara said, "You let a Kook in on our secret? What about Pogue Lyfe? What about the t-shirt company, bro?"

"I was just using her for information," John B said.

"Why don't I believe you?" Kiara asked.

"I'm trying to make us filthy rich here," John B said motioning to Pope, "Okay, so that we can pay off a boat, or--or, uh...send you to autopsy school to study dead bodies. Look you guys know me, do I look like the type of person to fall for Sarah Cameron?"

"Do you want us to answer that or--?" Evelyn asked.

"Just--just stop," John B said.

"Look, you don't know her yet. I do!" Kiara said, "You can't trust her."

"Her brother did hit mein the back with a golf club," Pope said.

"Rafe and Sarah are two different human beings," John B defended.

"What did she do to you, exactly?" JJ asked looking at Kie.

"She's like a--like a spitting cobra," Kiara said, "First she blinds you, and then--"

"This is a bad analogy," Evelyn said cutting off her friend.

"Listen to me!" Kiara said, "Whatever we get, she's gonna try and take."

A Foot In Both Worlds| JJ Maybank|Topper ThorntonWhere stories live. Discover now