Chapter 10: Dance Lessons

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"Hey mom," Evelyn said walking into the kitchen.

"Oh good. You're already dressed," Allison said.

"Yeah. I was just getting ready to leave to meet John B and JJ," Evelyn said.

"That's going to have to wait," Allison said.

"What, why?" Evelyn said.

"Because you have dance lessons today," she said.

"What? Dance lessons for what? Since when?" Evelyn asked.

"Dance lessons for Midsummers," Allison replied.

"Mom, I don't need dance lessons for midsummers," Evelyn said, "Plus I already had plans for today."

"Well you'll have to cancel them. Topper will be here any minute to pick you up," Allison said.

"Topper? Why is he picking me up?" Evelyn asked.

"Because his parents are making him take the lessons too," Allison said, "Your father and I thought it would be nice for you two to do them together. You know, like old times."

"You do realize that Topper is dating Sarah Cameron, right?" Evelyn asked.

"So?" Allison asked.

"So that means that he already has a girlfriend," Evelyn said, "Plus there is nothing going on between Topper and I."

"Evelyn you and I both know that Sarah Cameron never keeps a boyfriend for long. So when she ultimately breaks Topper's heart you will be there to pick up the pieces," Allison said.

Evelyn opened her mouth to protest when the doorbell rang.

"That will be him. Be nice and try and have a good time," Allison said.

"Whatever, mom," Evelyn mumbled before going to get the door.

"Hey," Topper said with a smile.

"Hi," Evelyn said.

"You ready to go?" Topper asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess," Evelyn said.

As she walked out of the door her phone pinged indicating that she had a text.

J 🙄🌊:

John B wants to know if we need to pick you up or if you're gonna meet us at the chateau

E 😒🌊:

Gonna have to raincheck. My mom's making me take dance lessons 🙄

J 🙄🌊:

Laaaaaaaame. Meet us later at the chateau.

"Here you go," Topper said opening Evelyn's door.

"Thanks," Evelyn said smiling as she climbed into his jeep.

The car ride to the club was mostly silent until Topper decided to speak up.

"So," Topper said, "Are you excited for dance lessons?"

"Not really," Evelyn said, "Truth be told I didn't know about them until 2 minutes before you picked me up."

"Your parents didn't tell you?" Topper asked.

"No. They were probably scared I'd try and dip so I didn't have to go," Evelyn said.

"Well I'm sure they aren't going to be that bad," Topper said.

"Mmh," Evelyn hummed looking out of the window.

Most of figure eight had gotten their power back the day after the storm. Meanwhile the entire cut was still out of power, likely not getting it back all summer. Evelyn hated the divide on the island. She never understood why it needed to be Kooks against Pogues.

"How come Sarah isn't coming with you?" Evelyn asked as they pulled up to the island club.

"Her parents aren't making her take dance lessons," Topper said.

"Oh," Evelyn said before she slipped out of the jeep joining Topper at the front of the car.

"Ready?" Topper asked.

"Let's get this over with," Evelyn said.

There was only a handful of people inside the room that had been set up for dance lessons. Evelyn recognized most of them, but she wouldn't consider any of these people her friends.

"Now that everyone has arrived I would like for you to stand and face your partner," Mrs. Caroline said.

Evelyn turned so that she was facing Topper.

"Gentlemen, you will place your hand on the ladies waist and put your other hand out for them to hold on to. Ladies, you will place your hand on the gentleman's shoulder and the other in his hand," Mrs. Caroline instructed.

Topper placed his hand on Evelyn's waist, sending tingles through her body that she tried to ignore. Evelyn took his hand and placed her other one on his shoulder.

Mrs. Caroline walked over to the music and started it, "You may begin and I will come around to observe you."

Topper began to lead Evelyn as they danced to the music.

"Ow," Topper said as Evelyn stepped on his foot.

"Sorry," she said looking down.

"It's all right," Topper said.

About two seconds later Topper stepped on Evelyn's foot earning a loud yell from her.

"Okay. This isn't working," Evelyn said letting go of Topper's hand.

"It's because you aren't trying," Topper said getting a little agitated.

"I am trying!" the girl defended.

"What seems to be the problem?" Mrs. Caroline said walking up to the two teens.

"This isn't working," Topper said.

"Yeah we're horrible dancers," Evelyn said.

"Nonsense," Mrs. Caroline said, "The key to dancing is to connect with your partner. You have to trust them on a deeper level."

Mrs. Caroline placed the teens hand back where they were supposed to go as they both looked at her.

"Now Topper, do you trust Evelyn," Mrs. Caroline asked.

"Yes," Topper said.

"Don't tell me," Mrs. Caroline said, "Tell her."

Evelyn turned her head meeting Toppers blue eyes, "I trust you, Evelyn."

"Now Evelyn, do you trust Topper," Mrs. Caroline said.

Evelyns eyes flashed to the woman and back to Topper. Did she trust Topper? He had abandoned their friendship. And she had talked to him more in the past few days than she hand in a year.

"Evelyn," Mrs. Caroline said.

Evelyn watched as Topper's face dropped. She knew that her inability to answer hurt him. But what did he expect after everything he'd put her through.

"Um yeah," Evelyn said looking at the woman.

"Don't tell me. Tell him," Mrs. Caroline said.

Evelyn turned back to face Topper, their eyes locking, "I trust you, Topper."

"Now Topper, slowly start to lead her," Mrs. Caroline said.

Topper slowly started to lead the girl around the dance floor, his eyes not leaving her bright green ones.

It felt like they had been dancing for hours when the song came to an end. Evelyn still couldn't break her eyes away from Toppers.

"Ev I," Topper started.

"That was excellent," Mrs. Caroline said cutting off what Topper was going to say.

Evelyn looked over and smiled at the lady, "That was a much better improvement than before."

A Foot In Both Worlds| JJ Maybank|Topper ThorntonWhere stories live. Discover now