Chapter 4: Motel or Meth Lab?

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"I thought the chateau looked bad," JJ said as they pulled up to a very run down motel.

"This place is a shit show," John B said.

"Motel or meth lab?" Kiara asked.

"You be the judge," Pope said.

"Meth lab. Definitely meth lab," Evelyn stated.

"Doesn't look like the type of place somebody with a Grady-White stays," John B said.

"No. It looks like the type of place someone with a Grady-White would get killed," Evelyn said.

"This is your captain speaking," JJ said pretend to speak over an intercom, "HMS Pogue coming' in for landing."

JJ jumped off the boat tying it off.

"We good?" John B asked.

"Yeah, we good," JJ said.

"All right. Here goes nothin," John B said.

"Hey," Pope said.

"Yeah," John B asked turning around.

"Don't let him do anything stupid," Pope said pointing at JJ.

"Oh we will," JJ said.

"I'm not making any promises," John B said.

"Ev," Kiara said, "Go with them please."

"Why me?" Evelyn asked.

"Because you will keep them out of trouble and I have to be the lookout," Kiara said.

"Fine," Evelyn huffed hoping off the the boat, "But it's your turn next time."

"Be careful," Kiara said handing the motel key to John B, "I mean it."

"Don't worry. JJ and I will be careful too," Evelyn said making JJ snicker.

"Let's go," John B said patting JJ's shoulder and hoping off of the boat.

"Why are all these mattresses out?" John B asked.

"After a hurricane they have to ditch 'em because they're all moldy," Evelyn said.

The trio walked over to the motel and up the stairs.

"Just be so careful John B," JJ said grabbing his face making Evelyn laugh.

"God, you're so weird," John B said.

"What was that about?" JJ asked.

"I don't know. Maybe she wants us to be careful," John B said.

"Since she heard you're being threatened with exile, she's just been, like. Oh! Be so careful John B," JJ said massaging his shoulders.

"Get off," John B said shoving his friend.

"Oh give me that John D already," JJ said making Evelyn laugh even louder, "When are you going to swoop on that man?"

"Bro, you know the rule. No Pogue-on-Pogue macking," John B said.

"There are exceptions to that rule," Evelyn said repeating what Kiara had told her earlier.

"Besides you're the one who's always hitting on her and Evelyn," John B said.

"Dude of course I'm hitting on them. Kiara is a super hot, rich, hippie chick and Evelyn is a super hot, rich, smart chick slumming it with us. Why? I can't figure it out either, but who cares, bro?" JJ said.

"You guys are ridiculous," Evelyn said rolling her eyes.

"You need help," John B said, "Not a little help, you need a lot of help. It's like every girl who just has a heartbeat, you're just like Uhh!"

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