After a a few hours of general talk amongst the family, Emmeline glanced over her shoulder to see Silas still working;observing and signing documents. She smiled went she heard a knock at the door and a maid letting them know that dinner was ready.

"We will take the lead, i'm sure your mother is hungry from the trip." Elias hinted to give Emmeline and Silas some time alone.

"Yes, Silas and I will meet you in the dining  room."

Emmeline walked over to Silas' desk, her finger lightly touched the designs on the table as she stopped by the side of his chair. Her head tilted and her eyes smiled at the sight of Silas.

"Hello," She said.

Silas' head snapped to look at her, he had been in such deep concentration that he hadn't noticed that the rest of the family had gone to dinner and Emmeline was next to him. He pushed his chair back to create space to bring Emmeline to sit on his lap.

"Hello, how are you?" He smiled and tucked a piece of hair strand.

"Better, knowing that i'm not going to be beheaded, banished or away from you." 

Silas smiled and kissed her lightly. His arms tightened around her waist and he saw the concern on her face.

"What is wrong? You seem worried." Silas said. "The trial is over."

"I know it is over. Let's go and eat, i'm sure dinner is waiting."

"Please tell me what has your thoughts." Silas Paused. "Please."

"I may be with child, my um womanly cycle is now two weeks late." Emmeline gulped in nervousness, "Also, now that the trial is over with where does it leave us?"

Silas hand immediately went to her womb and he spoke thoughtfully, "All I want is for you to be my Queen, to rule beside me, bare my children and buy you the finest things and to take you to places with amazing views. I want to grow old with you and to embrace you every chance I get. I still love you the same as I did before the trial. Now what is it you want, Emme?"

"Silas all I want is you." Her emotions seem to be overpowering to the point her happiness made her sob, "I love you too. I'm sorry, this is not sadness. I have no idea why I am crying."

"Don't apologise, it is quite alright. I would cry with happiness too if i found that the most handsome man was about to propose to me." Silas smiled and proceeded to stand. Emmeline's face filled with shock and Silas got down on one knee. "I was hoping to propose in our secret garden but I do not think anything can go as perfectly as you plan it."

"Yes!Yes! I will marry you."

Silas put on a unique ring that had a swirl of ruby and emerald on Emmeline ring finger. He kissed her hand and got up to kiss her lips.

"My love, Emmeline, we travelled a journey but made it to our destination and my heart will alway be with you."

Emmeline smiled and kissed Silas again. His hand began to trail down her body before Emmeline pulled away.

"We should go and eat, Silas. The maid called us down 20 minutes ago." She said.

"Alright, alright. But this will be continued." Silas promised and Emmeline laughed leading him to the dining room.

Walking through the corridor as a future Queen felt different to Emmeline as walking through them as a maid meant the fact that she had a destination to get to to be ordered around. Not that the shift of power would ever lead to Emmeline to treat someone cruelly but it just felt different. As if confidence had entered her body suddenly, confidence that she didn't have before.

They arrived at the dining room and made their way to their seats.

Emmeline sat in the seat that was previously occupied by Zella. She looked to the side of the room where she use to stand after dinner had been served.

She then realised she loved Silas from the moment they made eye contact.

Silas held Emmeline's hand and smiled both knowing that this was the beginning of their story. A story that will be told to generations on end. A beginning of a great rule from two royal who loved each other dearly.

The End .

Thank you for reading this book, when I started it was around march time of 2022 but now I'm happy that I have completed another story for other to enjoy.  I wanted a book like this and thought why not write one myself.  I wouldn't say that my writing skills are perfect but as long as you understood the concept and liked it then, that's all I can ask.

So it's time for another story concept that's been brewing in my mind. So another book is on it's way. Follow me so that you don't miss the launch of that book.❤️

Thank you and have Happy new year!



The Altercation Of The HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon