"I know what I want," Theo informed her. "I want to do good."

Theo did not want a life like his father's. He did not wish to be reliant on Nott family money for the time it took his father to draft a betrothal contract. He wanted wealth and acclaim. Healers could make a healthy living anywhere Maddie decided to be an artist. He wanted Maddie to want for nothing.

"Well then, let's just see about that training program, Hmm? They'd be lucky to have you, Mister Nott."

Theo thought about his future quite frequently. He wondered if Maddie would be averse to living in Spain.

He understood it was not close to home for her but she spoke the language and he did not wish to be in Britain or apart from her. He would apply across Europe, perhaps even America (safety schools).

Theo left the infirmary and walked to Quidditch practice. He wondered where Blaise might end up.

Hopefully nearby.

Theo spotted Draco down the hall, he turned into a corridor to his left to avoid him while he could before they were forced together for all of the practice. 

Draco was increasingly worn from the demands of the dark lord. Theo did not understand it. He would have been finished with Dumbledore months ago. 

Theo certainly could not risk poor marks by being distracted throughout exam season. 

He spotted Maddie sitting in the courtyard cross-legged on a bench. Her back was to him but he could see the hem of his jumper.

He would never waste an opportunity to speak with her,

He approached, Maddie was holding a small twig-like creature, and had sacrificed one of her gloves to make the little creature a small jacket.

The creature noticed Theo before Maddie did.

"Oh, Theo, how wonderful to see you," said Maddie, hiding her guilt with a smile, "how are you?"

"Theft is illegal."

"I know. That's why I never, ever do it," Maddie replied, her eyes returning to the small creature.

"Is it a bowtruckle?" Theo asked, the animals were uncommonly rare and timid little things,

"I have never seen or heard of this bowtruckle you speak of in my life," Maddie said nodding,

"Who is this then?"

"My name is Madelena, honestly, mi vida, I thought we'd covered this by now," Maddie said with a heavy sigh, Theo sat down on the bench next to her. He could be a little late. He tucked a strand of hair that had fallen into Maddie's face behind her ear.

"I'm having a ring made for you would you prefer a silver band or a gold one?"

"A ring?"

Theo nodded. "It is tradition."

"Like a promise ring?"

Theo nodded. Maddie's eyes fluttered away and she smiled sweetly, her cheeks warming with a blush before she even managed to meet his eyes again.

"Gold?" He asked, she nodded, "He looks like a Martin." Theo observed looking at the Bowtruckle. He checked the time on the large clock overlooking the courtyard. He was about to be late. Theo kissed Maddie's temple and stood to walk away,

"I don't really see the point of Quidditch practice," Maddie called, Theo stopped and turned around, "I mean, Ravenclaw is going to win anyways,"

Theo nodded, fighting a smile. And losing. Maddie was pretty in the pink and gold sort of way. 

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