'It's not even December'

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Happy 10th chapter.
I'm gonna hype y'all up with this chapter.

Guys tell me who made these inspirational quotes cause I screenshoted these from another fanfic.

                           Garnet POV

I pulled up at my new favourite shop the ice-cream parlour.

"Want ice-cream"I asked,
"How is this dinner"Siamang frowned,
"How is it not"I said very absolute.

As I hopped out of the drivers seat dash around the car opening the passenger side door,
Siamang rolled her eyes as she stepped out of the car.

We ordered our ice-cream,Siamang have mango sobert in a cup and me with my bozeny berry cone.

"Do you want to take a seat outside"I asked,
"sure"she responded eating a spoonful of her sobert.

We headed outside walking around the back of the shop where all the seating is.
I asked Siamang where she wanted to sit and she decisively took a seat.

They sat down on the bench under the shade of a outdoor umbrella.
She glanced up seeing a piece of mistoltoe double checking.

"You see that"I gestured upwards,

Siamang paused seeing the plant before responding "It's not even December"

"Well you do know what this means"I said joking.

Butterflies in my stomach staring at her long thick lashes getting lost into her giltering emerald eyes.

"We don't have to, any way that'd be weird"I said flustered.

"So you want to go back to campus?"I said
"Yeah"Siamang immediately replied,
"Yeah she repeated.

We stood up heading back to my car strapping into the driver's seat.

"You want to keep this quiet, I'm not quite ready"Siamang said
"Okay"I replied

We drove off.

I wonder where this ship will go?

Word count:317

It's the tenth chapter and we need a party in da comments¡!!!!¡!!!!¡!!!¡!¡¡¡!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!    ¡!¡!¡!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!¡!!¡!!!¡!!!!!!!¡¡!!!!¡!!!¡!!!¡!!¡!!!!¡!!!¡¡¡¡!!¡¡!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed and have a lovely day or night.


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