Mail Box

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Welcome to the fourth chapter part 1 doesn't count, It's an introduction K.
Have a nice day or night 🌃🌇

Garnet POV this time

Garnet wakes up tired waiting for her alarm to finish buzzing.

Instead she hears "Wake up sleeping beauty you'll be late"Arid's voice says.

Someone starts pulling my large sky blue  blanket off of me I open my eyes expecting to see Ermine instead I see a pretty figure called Siamang rolling my blanket up which had fallen off of the bed in the middle of the night.

"Thank you"I mumbled finally getting out of bed
"No problem"She replied

"What clothes should I wear?"I asked Siamang

"Something casual,"
"Okay how about these black skort, orange shirt with a black checkered cardigan"I said looking through my drawers

"Perfectly matched"She finished.

"Hey guys, they're serving breakfast in 10 minutes"Arid said

I checked my phone "We eat breakfast at 8" I said grumpily

"Yeah we eat then we have 45 minutes of assembly.After that we have 15 minutes of getting ready"Ermine explained.

"Well we can't be late"I pointed out
"That's not obvious" Siamang said sarcastically.

"Oh by the way,"I started
"You bought something else"Ermine finished

"How did you guess" I said grinning
"Oh maybe there's a box on the end of your bed."Ermine said with unexpected sarcasm.

"Who wants to open it with me"I said
"ME"Ermine expressed joyfully like a 5 year old opening birthday presents.

"Alright, do we have any scissors?"I asked everyone
"Yeah I have craft scissors"Siamang offered.

I stood up and headed into her room.
I realised that I hadn't seen Siamang's room,
Well we all shared a room but we all had our
'Quartz Quarters' Ermine and I made them up.

Siamang's room felt very cosy, many things crammed perfectly together,

Garnet gazed upon the bedroom seeing a portrait of a woman who looked young but seemingly carrying herself to be old.

The lady resembled Siamang with her long black hair tied up in a ponytail.

Although they weren't identical twins this person had light blue eyes.
I detected that this must be Siamang's mother.

The closer she looked at the photo it actually was a painting.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Ermine "Hurry up"she rushed

"It's in the top drawer"Siamang said
"Thanks"Garnet replied

I opened the drawer and grabbed the scissors sped   up to Ermine and Arid,

"What did you buy this time"Arid asked

"Let's find out"I grinned mischievously slicing the box wide open

"A mail box"Ermine said bored
"Why do we need a mail box?"Arid said raising her eyebrows,
"Mail"I said so absolutely.

"Where's Siamang?"I asked
"Gone to grab the boys"Arid replied


Siamang busted through the door holding it open and the boys ran in after the door shut with them heaving.

"What did you do?"Arid said grumpily

                        Siamang POV

"Hurry up you two"Siamang said
"You sure this is a good idea"Newt said worried
"I'll knock how about that"Barracuda dealt
"Fine, but it's your fault"Newt agreed,

"I'm not a part of this"Siamang declared.

Before Siamang could think Barracuda  knocked,
I bolted reaching for the door handle the boys falling behind,
They were stupid to pick the last door on the boys side,
I stretched my arm out wide and slammed the door open.

"Let's just say we don't trust the boys"Siamang heaved,

Garnet knew the boys did something stupid
"Why do you two have a thing for ding dong ditching everyone"Ermine said annoyed,
"His problem"Newt blamed".

"Oh also I saw your painting Siamang,
It was beautiful"I complimented

"Thank you"Siamang said,
Garnet definitely saw a twang of blush on Siamang which made her blush too.

                      GONG GONG GONG
"Breakfast"Ermine said putting her sneakers on.

I know it's a short chapter compared to all the others.
Word count is 675,
But I hope you enjoyed


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