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Meet Quartz Dorms

Gender: Female
Description: she has deep navy blue hair that is a messy bun all the time, with eyes that look like a frosted over puddle.
Ermine also has freckles.

Personality: Ermine is very loyal, cares about here friends.
She gets easily hyped, and really enthusiastic but her personality can snap, she's also impatient.

Gender: Male
Description: Newt has curly dark brown hair and hazel eyes, He has circular glasses.

Personality: So Newt is shown as  a shy and awkward  person,
He enjoys peaceful walks by himself,
He's very helpful and will calm you down.

Gender: Female
Description: She has smooth black hair that's cut to her shoulders, Siamang has light green eyes. Siamang is the tallest of Quartz Dorm being above average in height.   

Personality Traits: Siamang is creative in art ideas.
Siamang prefers to sit on the couch all day and relax whilst she scrolls through social media and draws. Siamang enjoys realism in all her art whether objects, people, places or even fantasy creatures (dragons).
She isn't very trusting due to something happening at her old school.

Gender: Female
Description: Arid has hair cut short at her neck. Her hair is blonde.
She has grey eyes .
Arid has a giant dull red birthmark which starts at her shoulder and ends to her elbow on her right arm.

Personality Traits: Arid is easy going and easy to make friends with, she is ready to laugh whenever.

Arid has a perfect attendance due to always wanting to know what happens all the time and school seems to be where all the drama is.

Gender: Male
Description: Barracuda has a fringe that thins out the further it goes, the fringe reaches down to his chin and is always having to be whipped back. He has bright seaweed green hair.
Barracuda had very pretty blueish green eyes.

Personality Traits: Barracuda is loud and funny but occasionally annoying as well as a hint of modesty. He is seemingly popular.
Barracuda has the nickname Barra.

Description: Garnet has long flaming orange hair, beautiful green eyes with long lashes and heaps of freckles.
Garnet has a great sense of fashion.

Personality Traits: Garnet is a hot head who does what she thinks right, she's always ready for action and dives straight into trouble.
Garnet always means well an occasional drama queen who fights her own battles. She'll stick up for her friends and those who she finds deserve it. Garnet is determined and has a big confidence.

I have to clarify things mk,
There will be cussing or swearing cause people don't know what cussing means.
Not too much thou.

Also I'm not including Mightyclaws he dropped out let's say.

Word count 479
This is my first story I'm actually going to publish so I am super under experienced
But whatever.

I hope you enjoyed this intro.


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