Meet the Boys

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Howdy Fellas,
Arid POV

Arid walked out of the door to a large hallway this hall was the entrance to the girls and boys dormitory,
As the left side was for the boys and the right side for the girls.

And this hall was perfect for mingling.
The Hall was what the students called it and it seemed the perfect size for everything.

She gasped when she saw kids on roller skates 
messing around, Arid saw a boy pulling out a skate ramp with his mates.

"This is amazing!!"Ermine thrilled in awe,
Arid agreed that this place was busting with excitement.

"Okay the fanta shelf idea isn't that bad,
But can we have some Gingerbeer to."Siamang said.

Time skip Ten minutes later

"Ok and this is the cafeteria with the snacks they sell those to you on Friday or on special occasions"Siamang explained

"Wait so we have to buy all our food" Garnet said acting like she spent all her money on the mini fridge.

Arid worried to if she had to spend money on groceries.

"Oh don't worry,"Ermine said calmly "they make food for us but mainly when we do cooking we feed ourselves." She continued

"Honestly I'm glad we have a fridge"Ermine said plainly

"How come?"Siamang said not understanding the conversation

"Snacks every day every night" Garnet in her that's so obvious voice

"Let's hope she can't sneak the snacks into class"Siamang whispered

"What" Garnet said obliviously
"Nothing"I replied.

GONG !!!!¡!¡¡!!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!
"The bell"said Ermine pacing towards one of three exits we ran after her.

Ermine may be the shortest of all of us but God she was fast Siamang was the only one who kept up we swiped right made it straight to the door only a couple minutes late.

The doors were wide opened.
It was indoor with a big stage with the red curtain open.
This place must be used for plays but today it is a assembly.
Principal Thorn was shushing everyone as she entered the stage.

"Welcome students to a new year at Jade Academy." Thorn boomed.
Luckily Arid and her friends got seats at the second row on the far left.

"Here's some quick notices,
Our old school bell is broken so will be using a gong for the time being."

How on Pyrrhia did Thorn get a gong

"Moving on I shall send new Winglets over to a certain person and that's where they'll get their class schedule as well as meeting the rest of their Winglet."Thorn continued.

Arid hoped the boys of her Winglet wouldn't be a pain in the neck.

"Fatespeaker will be taking Jade Winglet."Thorn announced

Thorn than explained and sent the new Winglets over to some Older students like Sunny with Gold Winglet or Sliver Winglet with Glory, Copper Winglet with Clay and finally Quartz Winglet was called.

"Hello I'm Starflight and if you need any help I'll be helping out at the Library or at my Dorm.
Wait where is the rest of your dorm?"

Arid turned around confused and didn't see a single boy in sight so that was great.

"I believe their dorm is room 2 just like our Dorm."Siamang said

"That is definitely right because me and my Clawmates share the same room number"Starflight said pleased

"Alright we can go get them and bring them their things"Ermine said trying to help

"You sure I shouldn't come with you guys to help"Starflight said worried

"We'll be fine I promise"Ermine said comforting

"Okay but if you guys need any help I'll be here."Starflight said giving up.

"Come on guys"said Ermine waving the boys's timetable.
We sprinted through the corridors reaching to  The Hallway as they walked to the boys side and knocked on the 2nd door.

And that is it for today's chapter,
I'm planning to put some songs in here and drawings so I'll take suggestions and also chapter ideas really anything would be great.

Kind regards

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