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The trio found themselves walking down a trail when they arrived, the silence was unbearable and it was eating Soap up inside.

Hesitantly, he asked, "Rudy, how long have you known Alejandro?"

"Twenty years. Signed up together. Toughest dude in the regiment." Rudy seemed eager to answer, he could tell the man liked talking about Alejandro. "We used to say 'el unico que puede matar a Alejandro.'" Rudy laughed.

"What's it mean?" Ghost asked, now interested in the conversation.

"The only thing to kill Alejandro, is Alejandro." Rudy kept laughing to himself, Soap couldn't help but join in. Quietly giggling and letting some snorts escape, which caused Rudy to wheeze. Ghost only huffed in amusement.

"I didn't know you'd snort, Soap." Rudy mused, looking back at the man with a cheeky smile.

"Shut up, Rudy." Soap replied, smiling just as much.

They reached a drop, Ghost heading down first and Soap followed. The drop opened to reveal the brightly lit prison, definitely not permanently closed. There were more watch towers than he expected.

"We'll have to take them out to get in." Reminded Rudy.

"Two snipers, first tower." Ghost took up sniping position. "Soap- you take one. I'll get the other." Johnny followed suit, crouching down next to the larger man. He pulled the trigger. One guard dropped, and very soon did the other follow.

"I'll flank around and we'll clear the field...." Ghost stood up, adjusting the pack strap around his shoulders. "Rudy, give us a hand. Hold fire, Soap." Soap obeyed Ghost's command easily.

Ghost disappeared in front of him and Soap tightened his grip on his gun. He wanted to be beside Ghost, Not away from him.

"Got a heli incoming. Looks like a supply drop." Ghost continued, Soap looking up as a loud groan filled the air. "Dragon following it."

"Eyes on six Shadows." Rodolfo noted, moving off to his left.

"Affirm.... three at the vehicle, two behind the rocks, one solo on the right-" Simon crackled over the radio.

"Take the two at the vehicle first, and the others won't see." Rodolfo advised, "can't hurt the dragon without it alarming everyone around it."

"Good call." Ghost praised and Soap felt jealousy run through him for a moment. "On my mark, drop one in the gap."

Soap raised his gun to fire, "Set."

"Check. 3..2..1-!" As Soap fired, Ghost leapt into action, slitting the other shadows throat with ease. "Good shot. Two down. On the move."

Soap let pride course through his veins, he loved praise. Especially from a man he found very attractive.


After some time, they found themselves in the security room, with two dead shadows around them.

"We'll use the close-circuit to locate my men." Rudy said, moving to one of the nearest computers.

"And find Alejandro." Reminded Soap, earning a fake glare from the other man.

Ghost rolled his eyes at the two. "We'll need diversions when we move. I'll plant charges on the outside. Soap, your eyeball guide me."

Soap hesitated, that meant they'd have to split up. His blood ran cold at the thought. He looked at Ghost who stared back and gave him a reassuring nod. "..aye." He answered.

"Get on those cameras." Soap turned away to access the cams. "I'm out. Watch for me." Ghost nudged him on his leave.

"Rog. Good luck L.t." His accent didn't cover the worry in his tone, Rudy giving him a comforting look.


"Alejand-" someone grabbed him and shoved him against the wall, his head hitting solid concrete hard. Alejandro raised a fist, ready to break Soap's nose when he was stopped by Rudy.

"Alejandro, it's me, querido!" Rudy raised his voice, Alejandro visibly relaxing at the sound of his voice.

"Soap-? Rudy! Ghost!" Alejandro exclaimed, pulling Rodolfo into a back breaking hug. It was the longest the duo had been separated ever, both had craved to see one another since Alejandro was taken, they needed each other.

"Te extrañé, mi amor!" Rudy cried out, pulling away and grabbing the sides of Alejandro's face, looking him over for any injuries. Alejandro leaned into his touch. "Estas bien? ¿Te han hecho daño, cariño?"

"No, estoy bien ahora que estoy contigo." Alejandro replied, glossy eyed. The two stared at one another before Rudy began to blink rapidly, leaning forward so his forehead could touch Alejandro's. His shoulders heaved upwards then fell back down. He was crying.

"Pensé que te había perdido, mi luz, estaba tan asustada. ¡Pensé que te habían matado! Por favor, nunca me dejes.." Rudy's voice was so broken, breath shaky and eyes closed as he sobbed.

"Shh .. está bien, amor, estoy aquí ahora.
Estoy aquí para quedarme, contigo. Siempre estoy contigo, incluso cuando estoy leios." Alejandro whispered, placing a gentle kiss on Rudy's forehead, then pulling away and wiping his lovers tears.

Soap and Ghost watched the event unfold, Soap sniffling softly causing the other man to snap his head towards him.

"Yes, I'm crying! I can't help it! When two lovers are reunited it' sweet!" Soap shouted, wiping his own eyes. Alejandro and Rudy laughed at that, pulling away from each other reluctantly.

"You didn't think we'd leave ye, did you?" Soap asked, taking a step back, and glancing for a second too long at Ghost, wondering to himself, would he miss him as much as Rudy to Alejandro? He hoped so.

"What the fuck took you so long, pendejos?!" Al's tone shifted, but he was quick to smile. Happy to have been saved.

"Place is crawling with Shadows. There'll be hell ahead." Ghost warned, as Rudy handed the man a gun. The man smiled even brighter.

"Let's fight fire with fire." Alejandro said, stepping an inch closer to Rodolfo, the man's face turning towards Alejandro and dipping down slightly as he leaned closer to him. Alejandro did the same.

Soap felt his own heart yearning, crying out for something like that with Ghost. He shoved it down. Not the time for feelings.

They left solitary confinement.

"You seen Graves here?" Soap asked, taking up the rear once more.

"No.... But I plan to pay that cabrón a special visit."

Soap made a sound of agreement. "Me too." He wanted to break that man's nose, he wanted to bash his head in and watch as his skull and brains exploded out of it, he wanted-

"They have guards on all the floors. Be ready-" Alejandro said, effectively snapping Soap from his thoughts.

When they found Alejandro's men, both him and Rudy headed to each door, trying to pry then open, reassuring their men in Spanish.

"Doors are powered. Controls are in the command post down the hall!" Alejandro called at Soap, who started making his way down. He found the control board, and switched a few switches and pressed a few buttons. Electricity whirled, and the the doors unlocked.

"El Sargento Parra tiene armas. Encuéntralo y toma uno!" Alejandro commanded. Murmurs and praises of thanks rose up from the slight more amount of people who joined them. He heard the saying, 'el unico que puede matar a Alejandro, es Alejandro' more than once.

"Stay sharp! Shadows know we're here!" Ghost informed, then he burst through a door to the outside, and put a bullet in the brain of two unsuspecting Shadows.

"Abran fuego!" Alejandro shouted at his men, his men roaring in agreement.

"HERE WE GO!" Soap screamed as he ran out, hearing the sound of footsteps behind him.

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