CH.1 Formation of a Team

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Dragons had been around for centuries and humans only got around to being able to somewhat tame them in 1910. The first person to ever ride a dragon was a man named Jacob Dickensian. He had mounted a wild one and managed to break it as it took off into the sky. Eventually, people all over the world began to mount and break wild dragons, sometimes they'd fall to their death and others they'd succeed.

Dragons weren't introduced to the military until 2009 and even then it was risky. No one could actually control dragons, dragons were more intelligent than humans and at any time, they could turn on a person.

It happened within the first two years, riders not being able to control their dragons when out in the field and either being killed by their dragons or their enemy as a result.

However in 2013 a dragon had formed a bond with its rider and because of it, the dragon was able to be controlled like a horse. It wasn't just about control, it was about trust and love. Eventually word got out and people began to spend more time with their dragons, forming close bonds with them.

Only two deaths happened that year.

When you're enlisted into the military and start off as a rookie, you're given an adolescent dragon. You don't choose the dragon, the dragon chooses you. You'll know if it chooses you because it's come up to you and allow you to mount it. After that, in between training, you'd train your dragon and form a bond with it.

There were many types of dragons; the two most common were ones having four legs and two wings or two wings and two legs. Some had only wings and a long body, some had wings and only front legs. Some didn't have wings at all. Some were scaled, some feathered, others were smooth.

They were magnificent beasts that deserves respect.


"You're wheels-up in five."

"Roger." Ghost's feet thud against the pavement as he walks toward the helicopter. Soldiers run around the area finding their posts and loading into several different military vehicles. A Humvee pulls up in front of him filled with personnel.

There were loud roars and growls filling the air and Ghost stopped when a Wyvern the size of a horse came barreling past him, it's human rushing after it.

Ghost shook his head.

"Marines are loading in now. You and the Sergeant are leading way on this." Shepard continues. Ghost pauses, eyebrow raising.

"The Sergeant?" A burly man steps off the Humvee and heads over to where Ghost is standing.

"Soap MacTavish." The man Shepard is talking about seems to be about 6'2 and a major brute. The guy has a shit-eating grin on as he approaches Ghost.

"Let's get ourselves a win, yeah, LT?" The guy bumps Ghost on the shoulder in a friendly gesture.

"Save ya a seat, sir..." With a nod of his head, he then turns around and heads towards the chopper. Ghost narrowed his eyes, the guy seemed like a whole fucking joke. Did he even know who Ghost was? Either that or he was simply stupid. Probably both, Ghost mused.

"Fucking hell.." he grumbled, shaking his head.

"Ghost, you copy?" Shepard? Right.

"Yes sir." He responds, making sure to hide his disbelief and mild anger.

He was used to working alone.

"Any issues?" Shepard asks, and Ghost could almost hear the way his eyebrow raised.

"Negative, sir. Out here."


Ghost stared at the container before him, one that had the American flag on it. Soap stared down at him. How the hell did Hassan get American Missiles? A million thoughts ran through his head at that moment, forgetting completely about Laswell who was waiting on an answer.

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