Foley, Jonathon, and the others at the CDC building are just going to converse and study earthling medicine, or in Schwarz's case, make sure nothing happens to them.

"Hey Ch'en," Daniel called, dressed casually like the rest of the Rangers, "Let's take a walk."

Ch'en, who was still somewhat groggy and tired because she woke up early, looked at him, "Not... now, I have to stay alert, stay..." she hesitated, lfocused, I'm not sure what could happen to-"

She was cut by Hoshiguma, who stepped in front of her, "Ma'am, listen," the Oni woman said, "you're not in Lungmen," she patted Ch'en on the shoulder and gave a reassuring smile, "Go ahead and relax."

You need it, went unsaid. 

Daniel, Swire and Hoshiguma were becoming more aware of Ch'en's mental state and the 3 have conversed on the potential that at some point, the LGD superintendent might reach a dangerous breaking point that might cause her to crash and burn. The aforementioned person looked over at the Tigress.

Swire looked at Ch'en from across the waiting room, and she had a sort of approving and supporting look. She was subtly pushing the Lung to take the break.

Thankfully, she relented, sighing, "Fine..." she sets down her standard sword, but kept the other one, Chi Xiao, still on her back.

She stood up, and went over to Daniel, "Don't worry, nothing'll happen in this slice of the Peach State." He reassured, lightly tapping a little holster he has on himself.

The 2 stepped outside, the CDC temporary waiting room falling silent, barring the small talk the operators that didn't go out were having.

Exusiai couldn't help but feel the stares of many of the Atlantean people. Subtly, she stepped up to Ramirez and her hand itched for where her Vector was. He looked around at some of the people staring. His brain processed why.

Bible Belt state, of course, he looks back at Exusiai who looked increasingly uncomfortable. Especially when a new group of people started to approach the group from behind.

These people however, didn't look like the ones that regulated themselves to staring at Exusiai. In fact, they have a rather anarchical and radical look to them.

They reeked of danger.

Now, neither he or Carmen would advocate for unnecessary violence, but considering some of the very strange expressions on some of them...

Carmen put her hand near her holster and Ramirez began to reach for his own, Lana just held to him more tightly. "What's going..." Exusiai began. Texas finally turning around and giving off a glare to the approaching group.

That group just stopped, they weren't deterred. Texas began to let out animal like growls, and Lappland began to join in on it.

The former pulled out one of the devices she had on her and activated it, the tool becoming her golden sword.

Which of course, got them to back off, and Exusiai felt a million times more comfortable.

She had her hand go over to Lana's head and began to rub it, affectionally, which began to further calm her down.

Texas approached Ramirez, her gaze serious and keeping her sword at the ready, "The hell were they?" Ramirez took his hand off his holster and looked around.

"Could have been any troublesome group, there's still quite a lot of anti religion groups even in this part of the United States," he looks over at Exusiai who was still remaining close with her hands resting on her Vector tightly, "They don't take it too kindly to anything religious."

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