Long Distance

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Pidge x Reader
Part 2-3

You look at it and run off to your room saying, "I will be back eventually it is Pidge." Your mother just laughs at seeing you happy. You flop on your bed and answer the phone. "Hey, how is college," you said. "Boring, I don't like one of the classes I am in," Pidge said. "Well, it sounds like you had a better day than me," you reply. "How have you been," Pidge asked. "Oh I have been okay," you said without saying much more.

"Okay, I know that tone, what happened," Pidge asked. "Nothing unusual happened. Ma needed things from the store so I went. Those guys from college were jerks again. Keith got into a fight with one of them to help me," your reply. "Keith got into a fight to save you," Pidge asked. "Yep, they started to harass me so he stepped in. I didn't even know he was there," you added. "Well it sounds like someone has your back," Pidge said. "Ya, he is the best guy Lance has ever dated. I mean he has his flaws but so does Lance so it works out," you said.

"Anyways I can't wait to see you," you said to break the silence. "Me too, time will fly by fast," Pidge added. "Well it is getting late here, I should probably go to sleep. Goodnight Y/N," Pidge said. "Goodnight Pidge," you replied. You hang up the phone and head back downstairs. Lance and Keith are watching a movie in the living room, and your mom is at the dining table working on some papers.

You look at the papers on the table and see it is billed. "Mom what are these bills," you ask, picking one up. "oh you know just the monthly bills," she replied nervously. "If they are normal bills, why have they increased," you asked. "Things are getting more expensive," your mom replied. You take one and open it to see what it is for. Your mother tries to take it from you but you turn too quickly. You are reading through the letter and it talks about a lawyer, court date, and court cost.

"Mom what is this about another court case," you say angrily. This catches the attention of Lance and Keith in the living room. Lance walks up behind you and takes the letter and reads it. "Why are you going back to court with dad," Lance asked. "Your father has been fighting for money from me since I got to keep the house. When he never even paid child support when your kids were younger. He also wants to force you guys to come to see him," your mom said.

"We won't let him win that case, we will do everything in our power to testify against him," Lance said. "We are adults, we get to choose if we want to see him or not," you added. "There isn't much I can do right now. My court date is next week so I need to get the evidence this week to testify against him," your mom said. You mom looked tired and sad. "You can do that tomorrow right now you need sleep,” you said, taking your mother to her room and putting her to bed.

You walk down stairs to see Lance going through the papers on the table. Lance picks one up and hands it to you and says, "It's for you." You take the letter and begin to open it. You take the letter out and start to read it. The more you read the letter the more you become angry. The letter is from your father. "You okay," Keith says. He noticed you were getting ancy.

You hand him the letter and Lance reads over his shoulder. "That bastard," Lance said, taking the letter. "Lance, there is no reason to get mad at him. He isn't even in our lives anymore," you said. "He still has no right to say these things," Lance added. You shrug your shoulders and take the letter back. You look in the envelope and you see photos of you at your house, college, and around town. Keith happens to glance over and see one of the photos. He taps Lance's shoulder and Lance sees and gets visibly angry.

Keith comes up behind you and grabs you Lance grabs the envelope. "Lance, give those back," you say, trying to get out Keith's grip. "No Y/N this is staking and we can use this against him in court," Lance said. "Please just give them back," you say as you start to cry. Lance looks at you with empathy. Keith let's go of you and you fall to the floor. Lance walks off to his room to hide these from you so you don't throw them away.

Background information:
You had a very good realtionship with your father. He did everything with you, you were his favourite. Lance got nothing from him. You didn't realize the things you thought were normal were not normal. Some of the things he did would make you feel weird but you thought it was because he was your father. When your mother found out around when you were 16 she filed for divorce. You are now 22 and in college and you haven't really talked to your father since you know it makes your family upset. You also know what he was doing was harassment, but he still is your father.

You were still in a pile on the floor crying. Keith was hugging you to comfort you. Lance comes back down, grabs his keys and leaves the house. You don't even try to stop him, you know it won't work. You were scared and you didn't know how to feel. Keith starts to help you stand up and brings you over to the couch. "Y/N I know all of this is hard," Keith said softly. You look up at him and give a half smile. "I know I shouldn't say anything about this, it isn't the right time, but will you help me propose to Lance," Keith asked.

Your jaw had dropped. Lance and Keith had been dating for seven years. They started dating at 17 and they were now 24. "Yes," you say excitedly. "Wait really," Keith asked. "Of course y'all have been dating for 7 years. I was wondering when you were going to propose," you added. "Okay you know your brother better than anyone what would you suggest," Keith asked. You start shooting off ideas forgetting why you were sad.

It was getting late and you and Keith fell asleep on each other on the couch. At about 2am Lance quietly comes through the door. He walks into the living room to see you and Keith sleeping next to each other. He smiles and takes a picture of you two. Lance quietly wakes up Keith, "ya," Keith said, extremely sleepy.

"Come on, let's go to my room to sleep," Lance said. Lance helped a very sleepy Keith off the couch so they don't wake you and he takes him to Lance's room where they fall asleep holding each other. Before they left Lance pulled the blanket over you and you curled up into it. Lance kisses you on the forehead before going to his room with Keith.

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