What really happened between Raven and I - Part III

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"I dId nOtHiNG WrOnG"

So everything I'm about to explain here is covered in the past chapters of this rant book. But for those of you who are new and who have not checked those out, basically I'm gonna summarize what happened here and also provide screenshots (once again, thanks to Genesis for them!).

So once I found out what Raven was doing, and seeing that she wasn't taking responsibility for her actions, I decided to confront her for it. That day, I was sitting on the couch and my fingers were literally SHAKING. I was nervous and terrified because I was afraid that Raven was gonna send an army of her fans after me, but at the same time, I knew I had to say something. If I didn't do something, no one else would. Taking my time, I wrote down what I was feeling, sent them to her, and waited for her response. I half-expected for her to be yelling at me and having her words in caps lock and lots of exclamation marks, so when she replied back, I wasn't surprised.

I don't remember exactly what she or I said (I knew I should've screenshotted it), but all I know was that she was pissed and pretended like she didn't know I was talking about. The whole time she was offended because hOw cOuLd I aCcUSe HeR oF SoMEtHiNg LiKe ThAT 😒. I told her that she still had to apologize to the author she plagiarized off of and that the dialogue she stole wasn't hers to begin in. I know damn well what she did and this bitch STILL pretended to act like she was the victim here. Finally, I had enough. Right then and there, I broke my friendship with her. Like, I was done. So done. She wasn't my problem anymore. Of course, Raven was shocked, but she got a real attitude about it and also declared we weren't friends anymore (can't handle the truth you dumb bitch). Raven expected me to feel bad or hurt, but instead, I felt relief. I felt free. I didn't have to put up with her temper tantrums and pretentious attitude anymore. I didn't feel the need to pretend to be her friend anymore. In a way, if Genesis had never told me about her plagiarizing, I probably would've still had ties to Raven. So thank you, Genesis. And thank you, Raven, for breaking off your friendship with me and showing me that you're nothing but a toxic person; because of you, I actually found true friends.

Now, after I told Raven off and blocked her, Raven was not happy. One of my friends told me that Raven proceeded to trash-talk about me on her message board, calling me a 'devil' and a 'traitor'. I don't know what else she said, but it was clear that me leaving the toxic friendship was a hard blow to her. I wanted to laugh and slap her. Laugh at her, because she seriously thought she could hurt me with her petty insults, but slap her because she twisted her words and made it seem like she did nothing wrong, that I had turned my back on her for no reason. I couldn't defend myself or say anything because she blocked me as well. Because of what she said, some of her fans that also liked my stories stopped reading and commenting and even unfollowed me, but I really didn't care. I was prepared to sacrifice readers to expose the truth about Raven.

So me, Genesis, and a couple of others who also did not like Raven's attitude and the fact that she plagiarized teamed up to take her down. It started small, but then it turned to me, my friend Sunny (AKA and another user named SuperNathan10002 actually making chapters dedicated to exposing her plagiarism and her stealing characters. More people were aware of who Raven was and what she had done, but there were still some who defended her.

Ola, Raven's wife and dinosaur, is one of them:

Ola, Raven's wife and dinosaur, is one of them:

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