10/26 6:30pm

66 4 0

November 26th 6:30pm

I cry pulling him in-
He smells the same, cigarettes and whiskey.
It burns but it smells like home.

"Y/n how are you it's been forever."
He rubs your back carrying you out of the van placing you on your feet.

"I'm great! Are these our busses?"
I ask looking around the loading area.
The agency really went all out for this I think to myself.

"Yep! These are gonna be our homes for the next couple of months reaaal cozy."
He says, I laugh.
He still had that smooth yet raspy voice that reminded you of good liquor.

"So where are the guys I've been itching to see them since this morning."
I say spotting Bren scolding Niko over something but you can't hear them from here.
Gerard takes you into the bus where the boys are all congregated in the front area.

"Guys y/n's finally here!"
Gerard says as you walk into the bus getting rushed by Mikey who wraps his long limbs around you like a spider.

"Y/n you're just as pretty as I remember-
how are you are your boys still playing nice?"
I smile swatting his hands away,
"Yeah they are Niko is getting yelled at for something though."
I say looking out the tinted bus windows.

Mikey grabs me up carrying me to where Ray and Frank were sitting.
He places me on his lap like an overgrown house cat, I met Frank on a couple of occasions we weren't close though the same goes for Ray.
I try to get off his lap but he keeps me firmly held in place-
I blush and look to Gerard for help.
"Mikey let her go-"
He reluctantly lets me go so I can sit next to him on the couch.

I sigh and look at Franky and Ray who look shocked.

"Ah ha ha- yeah we've been friends since we were kids... it's nice to see you guys again how are you guys?"
Ray speaks up first,
"Oh yeah it's been a lot of fun so far!
We're just really glad that you're here now."

"Yeah- ecstatic.
I'm gonna take a smoke break before we head out, are we doing anything other than driving later or no?"
Frank asks Ray who shakes his head.
Frank walks out of the bus with his lighter and cigarettes.
I give a nervous smile-
He walks out in a hurry.

I hear some mumbling by the door.
Then some shuffling and the bus starts shaking.
I look out the window and Frank and Niko were going at it.

Gerard runs out before you can get up.
He yells at the both of them.
I walk out and stand in the bus doorway.
"What happened?"
I ask as softly as I can. Niko calms down,
"This guy can't watch where he's going."
Franky says lighting his cigarette.
I look at Niko confused.

"I just bumped into him and he flipped his shit. I told him I was sorry." Niko scoffs.
My lips pull together into a thin line showing concern. I sigh.
"This was a mistake, sorry Ger we'll get out of your hair come on guys let's go-"
I say getting off the bus but before I can call the other guys over Gerard grabs my wrist.
"No stay- I mean, it was an accident right?
No harm done. You should stay."
He says his hand squeezing yours.
You look at Frank who shrugs,
You nod and go over to Niko Gerard following close behind. You find the rest of your band congregated outside the tour bus with Bren.

Bren your manager had been giving out your schedules and phone numbers.
You ignore him and get on the bus and he whines about you being a diva.

You roll your eyes cause you know he's joking and claim your bunk.
You put your favorite stuffed animal and journal in there.

Gerard follows behind you,
Finally a moment alone- he wraps his arms around your waist planting a kiss on your forehead.

You two had a strong bond.
Even despite all the time you were still so needy with each other.

Gerard way x readerWhere stories live. Discover now