Money is weird

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I followed the instructions of my superiors to the location of the shelter. Average building of 5 floors. The human in charge showed Telzox to the assigned bedroom. It seems that Telzox will share shelter with three other humans. Privacy is only given to what humans call bathrooms and bedrooms. The human in charge has an unusual smell, similar to the corner of human waste that Telzox arrived at, Telzox will not bother to learn the pseudonyms of all the humans. Telzox will call the human in charge stinky.

It seems that Telzox must compensate stinky with human currency after every 30 Earth day period. Telzox offered help in exchange for shelter, but Stinky just grunted and backed off. Fascinating, humans growl too.

Note; Observe when humans growl and why.

Apparently, they call the shelter an apartment and the humans you share a room with are called 'roommates'. But why do they call it that if everyone has their own bedroom?

Note; Human vocabulary is not direct.

There are two females and one male human. They speak the common tongue. They show Telzox the bedroom. All this space is for Telzox? It is relatively much larger than Telzox's hibernation tube. Telzox better save the non-terrestrial instruments. A key instruction is not to let humans know of our existence, yet.

Telzox asks about the local currency, and the blonde scalped female starts talking about her employment history and offers Telzox a position. She says that she is mixing beverages and selling them to humans. Should humans trade coins for everything? I'd better collect some samples for analysis. On Telzox's planet, this is unknown, since everything is interchangeable or free of cost. Here it seems that with 'money' you can get anything, but getting 'money' entails more difficult actions. It doesn't seem logical or convenient, is it that humans like to suffer? This throws their system out of balance. It seems that this also causes humans to have different types of hierarchies. Hmmmm, I'd better study this. The male human says that he will invite dinner today, to welcome Telzox. Do they know about the mother ship? Telzox better watches this human closely. How is it that the food will come voluntarily to us? Neks, Telzox will have to update the dictionary too, human vocabulary is confusing.

Since it is noted that these humans will be heavily involved in my guidance and data collection, Telzox better note their assigned names. Blonde female, Carly. Red-haired female, Marie. Male human, Joshua. According to my scanner Carly is the only local, Marie and Joshua are from Europe too but not from the area.

Note; Human immigration is also common.

Joshua makes a comment, "Why don't you blink?" Oh that's right, humans blink 15 times a minute. Telzox will adjust this action. Marie makes a comment, "where are you from Telzox? Your name sounds very exotic." The higher-ups didn't provide me with this information, I'd better come up with a basic answer. "Telzox is from North America." This answer doesn't seem to satisfy Carly, she asks more. "Hahaha you talk about yourself in the third person? Why did you decide to come here? What are you studying?" By Vozots' tentacles, is it that humans want to know everything about everyone? Telzox better come up with more information to cover identity.

Note; Humans are nosy.

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