Baekhyun came to him with a bizarre look on his face, raising a finger at him in slow motion, in the state of shock. "Sehun, you... you went to the Song Camp?"

Sehun quickly caught on the commotion and pursed his lips into a thin line. "Yes." Then he shot Chanyeol a piercing glare. "Because a certain someone just had to be forgetful." Chanyeol gulped as Sehun handed him his lost phone. "So forgetful that he even missed out some very important details."

"What's in the Song Camp?" Minseok innocently quiried.

The older shuddered at the grimace Sehun was giving him. Almost everyone in that reserved, restaurant room know what that very vital detail he was speaking of. And no one dared to give him a hint that they do. No one dared to look back at him, too.

Chen glanced at Suho who's feeling uneasy at the tension arising though that was not what Sehun wanted to happen. "Now, now. Let's not ruin the mood. We're here for Suho Hyung's birthday. Let's talk about that later."

He pushed Sehun away from Chanyeol, giving Chanyeol a disapproving look.

The youngest shook his head off the matter, heading towards his leader to give him the gift he specifically waited for the release just so he could give Suho brand new boast rights.

Astonished by the sparkling signature brand logo of the paper bag, Suho flickered his eyes up at Sehun who had a proud, almost arrogant, grin.

"You like it?"

Suho chuckled at his question. "Of course, silly. Thanks, bud."

"Eh, it's nothing." Sehun shrugged.

"Doesn't look like it's nothing." Suho tried peeking inside the closed paperbag, and he saw a box. "It's a watch, isn't it?"

Sehun playfully swung his upper body to the sides as he shook his head. "You'll see later."

Suho perked. "It is a watch. Can I sell it if I ever go bankrupt?"

Disbelief washed over the younger's face. "That'll never happen."

Laughter erupted from Suho's lips, amused at the change of expression. "Kidding!"

"Okay, everybody, please settle down. We'll be eating in a bit, courtesy to Chef D.O right there." Baekhyun began MC-ing his way, gathering the members to the table as they were scattered around.

Kyungsoo flicked his finger from his forehead as an informal salute, his eyes still trained on the grilling of the meat. Chanyeol chuckled at the gesture and copied it to himself.

Baekhyun marveled at the meat as the door opened and one by one, the other dishes were served. "You know what, let's just all dig in. We'll have your tear-jerking messages later after." 

The boys instantly dove in to the festive table, getting their own plates and bowls, dishes and side dishes, utensils and sauces. Anything they could get their hands on.

"We'll eat well!" They all said, some in unison, some following suit on their own mumbly way.

"Ready your bucket, Suho." Minseok winked at the leader who snorted. "You'll definitely bawl this time."

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