Chapter 14 - New Mission and New Troubles?

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"I've got a new mission for you all." Kageyama said when the teenagers assembled in his office.

"I was under the impression that we would be training our powers?" James asked, "we just got here last week and all you keep saying is how we're not strong enough to defeat Orion."

"There's been a change of plans and since this organisation is still small you four are the only ones to do it."

"We're all in." Jayden said, speaking on everyone's behalf, "what is it that you want us to do?"

"There's been a murder case and we believe that the perpetrator has powers, they've been going around and carving star sign symbols into people's hands or neck." Kageyama explained.

"So it isn't exactly a murder then is it." Alex said.

"No it isn't, but that's what it's been branded as."

"Where is it taking place?" Tessa asked.

Kageyama gave a small smirk with a glint in his sunglasses before answering, "Islington, an area in London."


"When are we leaving?"

"You'll be leaving today, so get your things together. You'll be transported via private jet as soon as you're ready. And since Tessa's parents live in London they have graciously allowed you all to stay there. Furthermore, you'll be joining a school as we suspect that one of the people in your class is the murderer."

"Yes Commander." They chorused as they exited the room.

After they left, Kageyama's phone that laid on his desk began to vibrate, so he picked it up and answered the call.

"Yes. Everything's been communicated to them and they'll be arriving later today. Don't worry, I won't tell them a thing. However, you must keep your end of the bargain......"

"Of course."


"Are you guys ready?" Kageyama asked as the four stood in front of him with the jet whirring behind him.

"Yes Commander!"

"Do not allow the perpetrator to catch you and put one of the star signs on you. I want you all to come back unscathed and unharmed. Do you understand?"

"Yes Commander!"

"Good. Then I'll see you in a few days." Kageyama nodded as the four then boarded the jet.

"Am I hearing correctly or did he say a few days?" Thierry asked rhetorically, "how are we meant to catch this murderer in a matter of days?"


"I wonder what's gotten those two so sleepy." Alex said as Tessa, Thierry and himself looked upon the napping James and Jayden.

"Neither of them look that comfortable." Tessa frowned upon seeing them tossing and turning for comfort.

"They'll be fine."

"I fear for James though given everything that's happened to him. I hope he'll be alright."

Jayden had fallen asleep almost literally upon entry of the helicopter with James doing the same a while into the trip. 

Now that he was with Kageyama, he finally had someone to look up to and he respected his decision making and his ability to plan ahead but to make him go back to Islington was cruel. Especially considering that he told Kageyama what happened when he was there......

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