Chapter 13 - He's Back?

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James came towards them again but this time an air bullet struck his back and he crashed into the remaining pillars of ice while Gab was also struck with an air bullet to the head before multiple more hit his stomach and he went unconscious and a boy their age descended.

"Who are you!?" Tessa said as she prepared for another battle.

"I think he's a good guy." Thierry said, "he was in the FFI."

"He's not on our side just because he plays football idiot." Alex shot.

"Oh wait! He was also at Zaizen Sousuke's house as one of the Security Fixers! James said his name was Jayden."

"Then he's after us?"

"No." Jayden said, "well yeah I'm after you but not for that, I quit that job after like one week. Follow me."

"And you think we'll just listen?" Alex chuckled.

"Well yeah, since those two are here too." Jayden said he pointed to the sky and they could see something circular floating down.

"Huh?" James said as he got up, "what's going on? Jayden!"

"Great, you're back to normal." Thierry smiled.

"Why are you guys all looking up?" James asked as he also looked into the sky and saw the same thing, "it seems stupid to say but....."

"It looks like a bubble." Tessa finished.

"With two people inside." Alex and Thierry chorused before they all said.

"Adrian and Allan!"

"Trust me, you won't regret my offer." Jayden said as he shot up into the air.

"I guess it doesn't matter anymore...." Thierry said as a grey cloud came, "you guys jump on!"

"H-hang on." James said as he held his bleeding head and stumbled, "wait for me..."

"I got him." Jayden said as he dropped back to the ground and James climbed on his back as he shot into the air again while Thierry and the others followed behind on the cloud.

"Thanks Jayden." James smiled.


"Doesn't seem like he's in the mood to talk." Tessa said after they got no response, "but we have more pressing matters to deal with, Allan and Adrian are right behind us!"

"They're really tenacious." James sighed as he saw Adrian and Allan following them inside a bubble.

"I would be too if I had to face Irina's wrath if I failed." Tessa said, before examining Jayden, "he seems to be able to give out bursts of air from the tip of his fingers."

"Maybe it's linked to his breath volume so that's why he isn't responding?" James theorised and as he said this, he slowed down massively, so much so that now he was behind those on the cloud, "huh?"

"He's slowing down, this is our chance." Allan said as he was right behind Jayden.

Just what I wanted, he thought with a smirk as he let out huge bursts of air out of all his fingers and both his palms as they were right behind him, "Air Force - Mega Blast!

The impact broke the bubble and the two dropped down to the ground and it also propelled him forwards, ahead of the others and eventually into a helicopter where the others also entered.

"You could think of a better name for that thing." James said.

"Shut up James."

"Thanks for that." Tessa said, "but where are we going and why did you decide to save us?"

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