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AN: This chapter has been edited. It was originally darker but I've decided that it didn't fit in with what I planned to portray so I've made it slightly less disturbing. I look forward to feedback of any kind.


Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop was such more pink than Effie had expected. And she had been expecting a lot of pink. The tablecloths were pink, the napkins were pink, the mugs were pink, and even a majority of the drinks she served were pink. Madam Puddifoot herself could basically be described as pink. She was a pleasantly plump woman with round, rosy cheeks and a fondness for pink attire. Every day Effie would come in and be greeted by her boss in sweaters, blazers, t-shirts, and accessories, all in various shades of pink.

Madam Puddifoot and Effie's other coworker, a thirty year-old waitress named Velma who was saving money to travel the world in style, were very kind to her and always had her back. When one table sent back their iced teas on several different occasions because they just 'didn't taste right' before insisting on seeing a manager in a very unkind manner, Velma had calmed Effie in the backroom while she struggled to keep her tears at bay.

Fawn (Madam Puddifoot's first name) turned out to be kind of a badass. Only a week into Effie's employment there, this table of teenage boys she waited on tried to dine and dash. They were almost to the door when Fawn put a charm on the floor to make it extremely slippery The boys went down like thief bowling pins and Fawn made them pay for their meals and leave and extremely generous tip. On their way out, she transfigured all of their clothing to be pink as a final touch. Effie never saw those boys again.

After about two weeks of employment, Fawn trusted Effie enough to close the shop at night. The instructions were easy enough. Wipe down the counters, lock the register, turn out the lights, and take out the trash. Fawn would write the closing instructions in her neat cursive on a piece of parchment and watch Effie complete them while sipping tea. After about a week of Effie following the directions perfectly, Fawn began to let her close by herself. One night, in the first week of July, Fawn decided to head out earlier than usual.

"It's date night," she explained to Effie before hurrying home to her husband.

There was only one couple left in the shop, and Effie was supposed to close at 5:30, but they just looked so happy and in love that she decided to stay open a little longer for them. When the couple finally left, it was just past six and the sun was almost completely set, only a few rays still shining over the horizon. By the time Effie finished cleaning the tables and locking the register, the sky was a light purple hue and slowly darkening. Effie tied up the bright pink trash bag and brought it outside, turning off the lights to the tea shop and locking the door behind her. She admired the sky and the peacefulness of an empty street.

Although there were streetlamp lining the main cobblestone road, Effie needed to use her wand as a light to see down the alley where the dumpster was. It was light magic, which she figured the ministry would forgive. Effie walked down the dark alley, almost tripping on the place where cobblestone met gravel, and tossed the pink garbage into the dumpster. When she turned back, she felt uneasy. Usually, by this time of night, she'd already be comfortable on the couch with a book or the letters from her friends. She had never been out this late before and the shadows in the dark were starting to frighten her.

As quick as she could, without looking panicked, Effie started to make her way out of the alley. When she was three quarters of the way out of the alley, she recast her spell as Lumos Maxima to avoid tripping on the place where the road type changes. In front of her, shapes she had dismissed as shadows emerged as men.

Her heart jumped into her throat as fear seized her. There were two men, both dressed in dark clothing, slowly making their way towards her.

"What do you want?" She called out.

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