Thor Volume 1 Issue # 301

Comincia dall'inizio

"Wait," Bruce said. "So all the gods are the same. Just different forms?"

This time it was Strange who spoke up.  "No. Only the Elder Gods."

"Who or what are they?"

"They were the first gods. And the most powerful. Some include the previously mentioned Gaea, Set, Chthon, and Oshtur."

"How do you know so much, Strange," Loki asked tauntingly.

"It is my job, Loki," Strange said with just as much venom.

To the others, besides Thor and Wong, were curious as to what the story was.

To the others, besides Thor and Wong, were curious as to what the story was

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No one would have commented. It was simply to awkward of an atmosphere. Well no one would have, if Drax the Destroyer wasn't there.

"That is beautiful. May we have a more detailed version?"


"Dude," Peter Quill said. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Is it not a tradition for your parents tell you how you were conceived?"


"Well, you guys had terrible traditions."

"Well then, smart plan, even if it was a morally questionable one

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"Well then, smart plan, even if it was a morally questionable one."

"Well then," Rocket said

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"Well then," Rocket said. "Unique plan."

He would have said more but a glare from Gamora shut him up.

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