Character Bios Part 3

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Gem Type: Quartz, amethyst.
Occupation: Crystal Gem Warrior.
Hair Color: White.
Height: 4' 10"
First Appearance: Steven Universe, Gem Glow, November 4th, 2013.

Profile: Amethyst was created like most of the common quartzes, but she was left in the ground too long during incubation, resulting in her natural height being reduced to being so small for her size, making her look disabled in the eyes of Homeworld's Era-2 standards. She was recruited by Rose Quartz and her trusty pearl after she broke free from Earth's crust. She's always following the footsteps of those she believes are better than her so she can improve. Ever since Steven was born, she felt some pride had been awarded to her, as Steven would be going through the 'new guy' role and thus she would no longer feel like she's alone.

Updated Profile: Amethyst was recently attacked by Spinel with a rejuvenater, and resulted in her losing her memory. However, she have been cured from her amnesia and is monitored much closely to make sure she doesn't have any side effects.

Proficient with a whip.
Has a alter ego, "Purple Puma."

Bathia: Incarcerated
Species: Bat-monster [formally human in genetics]
Real Name: Bailey Immortica. 
Occupation: Baker/Witch.
Hair Color: Red.
Eye Color: Red.
Height: 5' 7"
First Appearance: The Red Universe Episode 6: Cookies, June 27th, 2017.

Profile: The only living member of the Immortica family, Bathia's ancestors were witches. They were human then, but after a spell went wrong Bathia's great grandmother turned into a bat-monster and she couldn't change herself back. The bat-monster genes were 'bequeathed' to every child that the Immortica family had, and now Bathia is the only living member of the Immortica bloodline. Bathia has given in to her animalistic urges and feasts on other creatures, big or small, and humans are no exception to her. Bathia was recently incarcerated by Obsidian when she abducted an infant from the Human Zoo with the intent to devour the child. It was later revealed that Bathia has consumed children by luring them with baked goods and treats to fatten them up for her to eat them easier. 

Can fly in outer space.
Master baker.
Capable of creating potions.
Severely lacks empathy and sympathy for her devoured victims.

Gem Type: Bismuth.
Occupation: Blacksmith.
Hair Color: Rainbow.
Eye Color: Indeterminate.
Height: 7' 8"
First Appearance: Steven Universe, Bismuth, August 4th, 2016.

Profile: Bismuth is a Crystal Gem back from when the gem war was still recent. She disappeared for many years only to return recently. From what Pink Diamond has shared, Rose Quartz and Bismuth had a disagreement almost 7,500 years ago. Bismuth wanted to kill their enemies, Rose didn't want to do that. Rose poofed and bubbled Bismuth away, wanting to forget about her. Steven recently found her and managed to convince her to give up her bloodlust against Homeworld and the Diamonds.

Updated Profile: Bismuth is one of the few Crystal Gems who didn't get attacked with a rejuvenater, and the main reason why the three core Crystal Gems were cured, with the assistance of Lapis and Peridot. Bismuth wasn't willing to give up on them, nor was she giving up on Steven when he was ill.

Self inventor.
Can invent any type of weapons and armor in any arsenal, when provided proper equipment.
Has a temper.

Black Diamond: Incarcerated
Gem Type: Diamond.
Occupation: N/A.
Hair Color: Black.
Eye Color: Black.
Height: 6 feet.
First Appearance: Steven Universe: Arkham Edition, Chapter 29: Black Diamond, November 12th 2022. 

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