Character Ask Answers!!

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Do you like Black Ops or MW3 more?

I'm more of a Destiny kind of guy.

How do you feel about Sophie's love for bagels?

I think it's cute. I bought a bag of them for her last week and there was about 12 in it and she finished them already. She doesn't really eat much variety because of it.

Sophie: *blushes*

Are you comfortable with the relationship Calum and Sophie have?

I mean, as long as they're just friends I'm fine because they're still my best friends before anything. Yeah I was jealous about them meeting first and then them hooking up but who wouldn't be when it's their best friend and the girl they've liked for two years? I don't mind it though. Calum told me Sophie was just trying to get me jealous.

Sophie: *hits Calum on his side*

Calum: ow :(

Can we please play video games together?

YES as long as it's a good game O_o Soph will only play Mario Kart with me :(

How much do love Sophie?

A LOT. She's the person I tell everyone to but also in the context of in a friendly way. I'm not sure if I love her in a more than friendly way yet but I know I will :)

Can you come to my apartment and play video games with me? I'm lonely.

Two question: what games do you have and can I bring the guys with me? I don't like going to new places by myself.

Is Malum real?

Muke af

You stole my best friend, not cool bruh :( (from Valeria aka Sophie's best irl friend)

I'm sorry! You'll see her soon though! You had 17 years with her! Let me have two (or more) months with her!

Marina (from Marina and the Diamonds) or Sophie?

Sophie: If you don't choose Marina I'm blocking you on every social media I own

Michael: but you're my best friend and I love you and I only know like four Marina songs so I choose Sophie

Sophie: *pulls out phone*

Michael: *sighs* fine Marina


You're so hot, be my fuck buddy, yeah?

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