Remembrance Of My Past Part 1

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Y/N: "This must be Sayo's!" Y/N jumps towards the aurora curtain. Tsukikage enters the last gold card to hit the ground causing an explosion. Y/N is hit by the force of explosion entering the aurora curtain. A knocked out Y/N is thrown into a random world.

I was thrown into a world I had no idea about, well that's normal actually but this time I was on the brink of death. The bits and pieces I can remember at the time I ended up falling in a meeting Sirzechs, Ajuka, Falbium, and Serafall were having. They saw how injured I was and any minute I would die to my wounds. My brother wasn't trying to kill me if I took the attack head on I would only be knocked out....But I didn't. I jumped for the Aurora Curtain for an explosion to happen when he hit the ground. With that beating I took then taking an explosion to my back. You can say my body wasn't in the best condition. The Four Great Satans tried to heal me but my wounds were too much. That's when Sirzechs decided to use a Evil Piece to reincarnate me into a Devil. Everyone was against it, to use a Evil Piece on a stranger isn't a good idea. Sirzechs told them he would take all the blame for what happens. They tried using every Evil Piece but do no avail. Not even multiple pieces would work. That's when Sirzechs told Ajuka to get a King piece. Ajuka was against this and to give it up. For some reason Sirzechs was hell bent on helping me. He ordered Ajuka to get the King Piece. Ajuka shocked by Sirzechs anger, he quickly leaves to come back with the King Piece. They use it on me and I was reincarnated. Of course everything I told you was a haze and some of it didn't make sense to me until Sirzechs told me his point of view. When I woke up I was in a bed in a fancy room. When you get your as— handed by your brother you end up with the VIP treatment? That's what I thought to myself. That's when I hear the door open and I meet for the first time. Sirzechs, his father Zeoticus, and his mother Venelana. His parents look young for there age. Zeoticus kinda reminds of brother but a bit older. Venelana...Damn what can I say that isn't true? She's hot, sexy, and beautiful. Her I hate being single....Complete milf! Okay that's enough out of me. They explained what happened and are wondering who I am. I can tell that Sirzechs parents don't trust me. I get that, random guy ends up in a super private meeting. You'd be suspicious too. Hey listen I may be strong but I'm in enemy territory stuck behind enemy lines if you will. I'd rather stay alive than almost die...again. So I told them everything. How I'm able to go to different worlds, I'm from a different world, got into a fight with my older brother, and my sister used the same power to help me escape. Well you can tell who suspected me and who trusted me. Sirzechs proceeds to explain to me what happened to me. Felt confused about being told I'm a devil now. Definitely didn't feel different until Sirzechs told him how to use release some magic power. Oh man the power I released was insane. This shocked Sirzechs and his parents. After that I was allowed to stay in the Gremory's home. I trained with my new magic power but honestly it didn't fit me. Still good to learn more about it and how to use it. Maybe if I was a Kamen Rider that used magic. Oh I even met there maid Grayfia...I asked myself all devils this hot? And Millicas the youngest of Gremory family. He would watch me train my magic. Nice kid definitely would end up being a heart throb when he's older. Zeoticus and Venelana...(I can't stop checking her out in secret)...have come around about me. After a few days Sirzechs asked me to meet him in his office. He tells me more about devil society, this world, Fallen Angels, Angels, and the history. You see my power only gives me surface level knowledge. Sirzechs going in depth on things is a big help. Once finished he proceeds to hand me a set of chess pieces sorry Evil Pieces. They are to be used to create my own peerage. I would spare you the details about them and devil society, I'm sure you have heard it many times. I just didn't know what to do with them.

Sirzechs: "The King Piece is illegal to use. We sealed them away because they act differently than other Evil pieces. They increase a devil's power by 10 or more times. The reason we sealed them away is we thought that High Ranking Devil would abuse they're power." Y/N doesn't say anything thinking about his brother.

Kamen Rider Decade X Highschool DXD/Anime/Game Multiverse (Discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt