“There is someone else who could probably have used that kiss, his name is Lee Rang, you may have heard of him.” Yuri replied as Eun-ji stepped into the car. 

“Yuri!!” The canine felt a blush rise up her neck to her cheeks. “Shhhhhh, knock it off.”

“Don’t try to hide it. You guys are so into each other.” 

The wolf mumbled under her breath, looking extremely flustered. 

“What was that about ‘kiss’?” Yuri’s fox hearing caught a word or two from the wolf. 

Eun-ji buried her face in her hands. “We haven’t even kissed properly yet.” 

Yuri’s brows furrowed. “What does that even mean? Properly kissed? Spill the beans girl.”

The wolf sighed and looked over at her friend, peeking between a few fingers. "Well exactly how I said it. We haven’t properly kissed. You know, lips on lips.”

“Wait, what?” Yuri was confused. “How is that even possible? That man had left more than enough hickies on you before you decided to stop pushing him away and you haven't pressed your lips together? How does one skip that?”

Eun-ji was fiddling with the necklace Lee Rang gave her, twirling the pendant between two fingers. “I don’t know, it just hasn’t happened. I feel like it’s something more intimate, I’m not sure I’m ready for that step.” 

“Wait, you think kissing is more intimate than someone literally sucking and biting your neck? Is it more intimate than sex too?”

“YURI!!” Eun-ji screeched. “Oh my - woman can you not? Of course sex is more intimate than kissing, it’s just there is something different about sharing the same breath as someone.”

“Well how long are you gonna make him wait?” Yuri teased. 

Unfortunately, the wolf didn’t take it as teasing - she was already embarrassed. “Well, it’s not like he has tried to kiss me yet.” 

“He’s probably waiting for you to make a move. How long was it before you kissed Kyong?” Yuri’s eyes widened once she realized what she said, her gaze snapped over to the wolf who was frozen in the passenger seat. “Eun-ji, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I asked that. I- I…”

“He kissed me first. It wasn’t even something I wanted when it happened.” She kept her gaze to the glove compartment, she couldn’t look over at her friend if she was going to get this out. She needed to start talking about these things with someone, why not her best friend?

“Eun-ji you don’t hav-”

“He was drinking a lot at the bar, and I was having a good time dancing. Another guy came over and started to dance with me, Kyong was angry. He swooped in and wrapped me up in his arms and just planted one on me. It wasn’t romantically planned, one moment I was having a fun time and the next he was shoving his tongue in my mouth. He tasted like gin - it was gross. The other guy backed off and left me with him. I was confused but when he pulled back I thought he was looking at me lovingly and so I forgave him instantly assuming our relationship had officially changed into something more. Now looking back I can tell it wasn’t love in his eyes it was possession.”

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