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Have you ever had someone in your life that you were so close with that you could tell them anything, and everything and not feel like it's forced? Someone who you were 100% certain that they're your best friend? That is what Piper is to me. My best friend. Even though I would never admit this to him I couldn't imagine my life without him. I mean hey we do everything together.

Ten long years ago

"Mom I don't wanna," I said tugging the rim of her shirt. She picked me up and walked over to the boy in gray. He had the most beautiful eyes I ever laid my eyes on.

"Mom please..." She ignored me and put me down right next to the boy. He just looked at me in confusion which made me more nervous. "H-hi," I whispered looking down at my shoes.

"Want to play blocks? I'm making a tower." The boy said while handing me a block. "My name is Piper. Piper Scott, what's your name?" The boy who I just learned named Piper said while reaching one hand out to me to shake.

"Luke," I said while shaking his hand. I looked up to see Piper smiling. The biggest grin I ever seen as he sat down and began to continue building his tower.

Beep. The sound of my alarm clock woke me up. I guess I had a dream about when me and Piper first met. My sheets were completely covering my body. Beside the fact that their were two people on the bed.

I know it may seem weird for some people. For two boys to share a bed. But for me and Piper it's normal especially since we are so close anyways.

"Hey, Luke," Piper said patting my head. I swatted his hand away and he just put it back on my hair then started to ruff it up. "Hey your messing up my hair!" I barked. Piper just laughed and shrugged his head. "I don't know you look much better with messy hair. If Stacy sees you like this her clothes might come off."

I ignored him and attempted to fix my hair. Stacy is this very pretty girl who's way out of my league. She's a cheerleader and she's also very smart. So yeah the girl of my dreams. I sighed as I stopped trying to fix my hair and just left it be. Since I only have a couple minutes to go to school.

"Hurry the fuck up." Piper said heading out my front door. "Calm your shits your the reason why I took longer because you messed up my hair."

"Whatever." He said, I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my belongings and left my house. Since Piper is older then me by one year he got his driver license already and he's the only one in our friend group that has one. So he basically drives us everywhere. Especially me. Because he loves staying over at my house.

It like he's allergic to staying at his own house or something.

Piper opened the door for me. Even after I told him multiple times not to do that. And smirked while he did it. "Ladies first." I flipped him off and got inside the car. "So seriously when are you going to get with Stacy? She obviously has it hard for you."

"No she doesn't. She probably has it hard for you like every other girl in this school." Piper giggled then looked at me. "I guess you have it hard for me then."

"Shut up Piper oh my god." Piper looked back at the road and started driving. "Your so cute when your mad." Piper said edging me on. "Even when your mad at me I know you'll forever love me."

"Yeah whatever you say Piper. But just so you know I don't." Piper started whining like a little kid that was just denied ice cream and I just sighed and rolled my eyes. "Fine I love you Piper now can you stop." Piper smiled and continued driving.

Piper had nearly every girls heart at our school. I mean look at him. He has golden brown surfer hair, and warm green eyes. So yeah a chick magnet. And did I forget to mention he's the captain of the football team?

I looked at my best friend who I just admitted was hot and stared. What a lucky fucking guy. See I wouldn't say I was ugly. Not even close to it. But compared to him I'm nothing. I looked in the car mirror. As my fluffy messed up brown hair flowed in the wind.

Yeah what a lucky fucking guy.

When we arrived to school we were already a couple minutes late. "Wanna just skip?" Piper asked me. I shook my head. "Can't have Mr. Goldberg." Knowing what that meant Piper just went into the bathroom by himself as I walked to my first period classroom.

I don't know how Piper gets good grades. He skips most of his classes but still whelms up with a 85 or more in most of his classes. I told you Piper is a really lucky guy. He's literally perfect. 

I was walking to get my next period textbook as I saw Piper mouthing Ashley Parks right against my locker. Like what did my locker do to deserve this?

I cleared my throat and Piper looked at me and immediately stop kissing her. "Uh-sorry." Ashley said sneaking in another peak. Piper just looked at me and for some reason looked sad. "Sorry man." He said grabbing Ashley by the shoulder and moving her out of the way.

"I don't really care. I just want my stuff." I said coldly. Piper waved his hand in the air like I was about to arrest him or something and moved farther out of the way. 

Ashley grinned at me and I could already tell she was going to say something bitchy. "Hey why you so cold today Luke? Don't tell me you got rejected by Stacy?"  The only person I told I had a crush on Stacy was Piper and my other friend Noah. And Noah definitely didn't tell her.

Piper gave me a guilty look and started to rub the back of his neck. And mouthed a sorry. "I didn't. I didn't even ask her. And what do you care?"

She just left me and Piper there and walked over to her friends. Who are also on the cheer team. Ashley, Mackenzie, and Stacy the big three. "What the fuck man?" Piper was still rubbing the back of his neck and just stood there. "Why did you tell her?"

"Sorry I was drunk." Of course. I wanted to smack him but instead I shook my head and grab the stuff out of my locker and went to my 2nd period classroom.

Fallen For My Best Friend  (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora